Part One: I'll Thank You Someday, Beloved Treasure of My Heart

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On the banks of the Isle of Maidens, Amazon Lily, a young captain of a pirate crew was crying his heart at the lost of his 'only' brother in the center of the vast jungle of the island, the name of the young captain was Monkey D. Luffy, or Strawhat Luffy, and at the coast line of the island was a small pirate crew known as the Heart Pirates, and the name of their captain was Trafalgar Law, or Surgeon of Death. The reason why they haven't left the island was because of Strawhat's condition, since Law was the doctor who saved the boy's life from near death experience from the War of the Best, with the pirate crew was a Warlord of the Sea, First Son of the Sea, Jimbe. After hearing the sounds of destruction caused by the young captain, Jimbe decided to go into the jungle to calm the boy nerves before he tore his bandages and opened his wounds up, Trafalgar follows the fishman to see what he would do to stop the boy from hurting himself any further. And the scene he saw unfold was one that broke his own heart, remembering the night he lost his father-figure to Doflamingo over eleven years ago, but Strawhat had lost his brother just a few days ago, he wonders how the boy will cope with the lost. He was in his own thoughts until he hears Jimbe shout something at Strawhat after he had thrown against a large rock, Strawhat was crying has he called out the names of his crew, and he shouts that he still has his friends and that he will get stronger to protect them from harm and danger.

Trafalgar was impressed by the boy's words, so he decides to head back the shore line, to tell his crew that they would be leaving soon, until he hears Penguin and Shachi scream that a Sea King was killed, except they couldn't tell what had caused it in the first place, that is when someone climbed out of the water. That someone was 'Dark King' Silvers Rayleigh, the former first mate of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, the reason why he was there was for Strawhat, since he wants to ask the boy some questions about his next move, while his crew went inside the submarine, Law throws something at Rayleigh which the older catches with his quick reflects, it was the Strawhat that the young Captain always wears. Rayleigh wonders why the captain hadn't given the hat himself to the younger and tell him that he was the one who saved his life, also why did Law help the younger Captain anyway, and the reply that he got was full mystery and interest. "I did it on a whim." Trafalgar tells the Dark King with a poker face, as his ship leaves the island while giving him the signature hat of the young captain wears everyday. Law thinks back to Sabaody when he first saw and met Strawhat in person for the first time, recalling how the boy held no regrets on punching the Celestial Dragon in the face, all because the man had shot a fishman that Strawhat considers a friend and he wanted the young mermaid, which lead to the Strawhats causing an uproar in the Auction House and the Navy sent after them, which lead to him, Strawhat, and Kidd to fighting them off. As the fight was going on, he watched his fellow captains use their abilities against the Marines, Eustass's ability seem to be a Magnetic properties, since he could repel and attract anything made of metal, meanwhile Strawhat's ability was interesting to watch and observe, his whole body could stretch anyway he wanted and he could expand or speed up his strength by either speeding up his blood flow or enlarging a part of his body, that made him intrigued by how the young boy's body worked.

Law shook away his thoughts about what happen in Sabaody, hearing the sound of soft snoring from his polar bear navigator has he rested on his fluffy stomach while sunbathing on the submarine, while watching the clouds float by in the sky. It was peaceful and quiet until Shachi came over, screaming like an idiot, with the Newspaper from the News Coo in his hands, Law wonders why his crew member wanted to interrupt his nap, that is when he saw who was on the front page of the paper. The front page had a picture of Strawhat Luffy standing over a gorge at Marineford with his hat over his heart and he had a calm and compose look across his face, and the one thing that stood out of the picture was the tattoo on the boy's right shoulder, 3D2Y with 3D crossed out. Law wonders if the boy was trying to send a message to his crew, since he notices that Rayleigh was in the background and as well as Jimbe. Law understands what the message was, 3D means the number of days that the Strawhats had to return to their ship in Sabaody, but it was crossed out meaning that there was a change of plans, and 2Y meant two years for their meeting to take place in Sabaody. Law wonders what Strawhat will be doing for the next two years, but he didn't have time to dwell on the situation, he needed to get stronger before he and his crew headed to the New World, and he needed the Warlord title before that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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