New beginnings

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My chest was hurting and my lungs felt tight as I tried to gasp for air, I was bent down with my hands on my knees trying to get some air after running for god knows how long, I was in the middle of a dark forest hiding from authorities after I had just killed my father and burned my house to the ground but my unfortunate mother was still alive thankfully, I just couldn't bring myself to kill her

I finally stood up straight and put a hand to my chest feeling my heart pound but it was no longer the adrenaline of escaping, no it was out of fear, the reality of it all was finally hitting me, what was I gonna do now? Is this my life from now on? I didn't think to plan out this far but then again the killing was just the spur of the moment, I wasn't quite thinking clearly all I know is that something inside me snap and I just quite about had enough

I was so caught up in my own thoughts that when a snap of a branch crackled near me I had whipped my head up and took off running in fear that the cops may have found me, but something grabbed my arm, something that wasn't human

It's slender limb wrapped tightly around my arm preventing me from any means of escape, a screeching static begin to fill my ears and my vision started to become fuzzy and faded, I look up in spare means of effort to see if I could catch a glimpse of what sense of death has a hold of me

My heart pounding, it had no face


I woke up to find myself in some kind of infirmary, I had no clue what time it was or even how I ended up here, maybe it was that horrific creature that brought me here

I felt myself shudder from the thought of it, seeing no face was abnormal and horrifying, I've never in my life have come across such paranormal things, hell I've never believed in the paranormal

A door clicks and someone walks in, I quickly whip my head up and felt my heart start beating quickly again, someone in a beat up mask and smelt heavily of cigarettes walked in

"Hello toby, I see your awake now....finally" the man says mumbling the last word but I caught what he said even if his voice was muffled through his strange mask

The man pull his mask off and sets it aside, "My name is Tim but my allies name is "masky", feel free to call me either I honestly couldn't give as shit" he says taking a seat in a chair near by the hospital bed I was on

Tim sighs, "you must be confused and scared on why you are even here well let me explain I guess, He has been watching you for awhile and well has been waiting patiently on the perfect opportunity to take you away" he explained carefully as if I were some sort of child, I shuddered at the thought of being watched and having no clue of how long I had been watched for

"You'll be living here from now on, there no escape from this new form of me I've tried" he says as he slouched in his chair, "He knows of your disorders and instabilities so He's ordered for you to be on medications to even you out-" I cut Tim off, "why me?" I asked with a shallow voice, Tim glances at me then shrugs, "why not you, there's no explanations in particular for 'why', you just have to accept this fate, it was going to happen eventually" He says somberly, Tim stood up and pulled out some medicine bottles from his pocket and tossed it near me on the bed, they rattled as they landed

"Someone will be here shortly to come take you to your room, we'll let you process this a bit" He says as he put his mask back on before walking out leaving me all alone again

This was hard to believe, so much has changed in a span of a few hours, I mean sure I fucked up my life completely when I killed my dad but I didn't know it would go as far as getting kidnapped by a mythical creature and forced to live in some strange place, I wonder what will happen to me or what I will be made to do

A few minutes pass by of me being overwhelmed with a sense of impending doom until I hear another click from the door signifying that someone is entering the room I was in but this time it wasn't Tim, it was someone in a faded beat down yellow hoodie and a black mask that frowned, "hello Tobias, or do rather being called Toby?" The masked man asked, "um j-just toby is fine" I said stuttering on a few words as my head jerked to the side a bit, my tics were starting to show

The strange man didn't acknowledge my tic but just kept on with what he was saying "my name is Brian but my allies name is hoodie-" I cut him off "w-what's up with the- the weird n-names?" I asked grudgingly, "well toby, it's so we don't get caught up with the police-" "p-p-police?" I cut Brian off again "w-what do you mean po-l-lice?" "Well Toby if you let me talk then I could explain" Brian said sounding a bit irritated, "we take orders from the operator and he tells us who to watch, investigate, and kill-" "k-kill!" I shouted  "yes toby kill, that's part of our jobs, we have no choice, we cannot be found out by society, I mean from what I was informed you aren't a stranger to killing-" "I- I had my reasons!" My head jerks and my neck cracks as I start trying to defend what I did, "yes and the operator has his, you must obey these commands in order to survive, he could easily replace you but he isn't going to, now come on let me show you to your room" Brian says putting an end to our disagreement

I got up from the bed and grabbed the pill bottles, stuffing them into my hoodie pocket, I followed Brian down a run down hospital like hallway and through some doors leading into a different hallway, we took many turns down different corridors and I saw many different people and many different inhuman beings, we finally got to a door that had a couple grocery bags hanging on its doorknob, "here we are this is your room, those bags hanging on the knob has food and other essentials in it, it should last you for a couple weeks until someone gets sent on a grocery run, my room and Tim's room are just down the end of the hallway so if you need anything just come knock on my door or Tim's" I nodded as I examined the hallway and what room number I had, I don't think I'll be able to navigate myself back to my room if I ever left it, this place was quite complicated and complex

After Brian left I went into my room, I had set the bags down near the door and closed the door behind me, I went to go lock it but that's when I realized that there was no lock, I examined my room and saw a small dresser near the bed, I decided to push the dresser in front of the door so no one could get in, who knows who or what lingers right outside this door, after doing so I sat in front of it and brought my knees to my chest

So...this was it, this is my life from now on, if only I held it together and didn't kill that's stupid man of a father maybe then I wouldn't be in this situation

Word count 1,363

I'm sorry if there any errors throughout my writing, I am dyslexic 7~7

I hope you've enjoyed the first chapter and I know much didn't happen I was trying to focus and map out why and how toby ended up in the mansion and with a completely different life

I assure the next chapter will be more interesting (hopefully)

- Cyrus

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