Part 1🌸

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Once every two years me and my family go on vacation for one year to our second home in France, Le domaine Waldorf.

Our family loves France, it's where my dad grew up and we're close friends and family are, like grandma,  grandpa and the Laurent's of course.

And yes, all the family I love is in Paris but I have a very German soon as My grandma and grandpa got married they moved to Paris and started a new life of their own, without there parents who forbid them to be together. I never met them, they seem like crummy people anyway so I don't mind.

I like that my grandparents decided to move to Paris because this is where our whole life is and if it weren't for that dad wouldn't know the Laurent family and my dad wouldn't of met my mum.

For context: when my mum was in year 11 of high school she got asked to exchange schools with her friend Mona lemarie. Mona lived in France, my mum lives in Australia. Mona went to the same school as my father and when she swapped places, my mum and my dad became high school sweethearts like that. Mona is like a second mum to me and her daughter ilara is like the sister I never had, we are so close.

As I said my mum; Chanel is from Australia, born in Tasmania and now lives in the Gold Coast, Queensland, along with me, my brother Marcus and my dad Andre. My brother was also born at home in Australia, I flex all the time that I was born on the trip to santorini, Greece, isn't Greece so beautiful.

I have a big family tree, with a lot of different cultures. My aunt manaina is married to my dads older brother Jacques. Manaina is Hawaiian, in my opinion Hawaii is the most beautiful state of America out of the 50.

Remember when I was talking about my grandparents, well my grandma is half German and half Italian. My grandpa is half German and half Greek.

Aunt Manaina and uncle Jacques share two boys, kaleo and Hugo Waldorf , my cousins. There older than me and my brother by a couple of years there both in there late 20s.
Kaleo:28 and hugo:26. They both have lovely significant others. Kaleo's wife is Naomi and Hugo's girlfriend is Amari, Amari is my long time friend since I started school in Paris at a young age, actually her sister ellé rose has a fashion shop in my hotel de lys Blanc, I started when I was only 14, I'm 16 now, almost 17. Their mum reneè is so funny, you've got to meet her. Back to Naomi, ok so a little bit about Naomi is that she is a fashion designer, she is mine when I'm in Paris, as well as Ariel. her and Kaleo is expecting a baby in late august, how cute.

You must be thinking who are these Laurent's don't worry you'll catch up soon enough.

I'll tell you soon, the planes arrived in Paris, see you soon, bye now.

Authors note:

Hope you enjoyed this as much I did writing it.

Sorry if there are spelling mistakes, hope you can keep up with all those character names you just learnt.

Word count: 560

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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