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Jenny:Honey the girls have been on their devices all day! Tell them to take a break! John:Hey girls would you mind turning off your devices and looking out the window? Carly:Ugh fine! Lexi:But Aunt Gemma made us a cool toy app on our devices! Caleigh:And gave us these tablets! Carly:Ugh! Jenny:Kids please just turn them off. "They turn off their devices and look out the window" Jenny:Look girls were almost at the place! Carly:Wow It's so big. Caleigh:Dad It's getting cold back here. Lexi:LOOK OUT! "The snow truck hits their car and the car flips over" Aunt Gemma:Look david Megan is not done but if we show this to the world our company will blow. David:JUST DO WHAT I SAY! "David storms out of her office" Ashley:Girl I'm so sorry.I bet once megan gets launched he will feel guilty. Tim:Gemma your getting a call from the hospital. "Aunt Gemma answers the phone and the police officers explain to her what happened" "2 hours later" Aunt Gemma:Glad you guys are okay.Caleigh:I miss them. Lexi:Same. Carly:Yeah. Aunt Gemma:Why don't you guys play with the tablets I got you. Lexi:They got destroyed in the accident. "Aunt Gemma grabs their plates and lead them to their room" Aunt Gemma:So I made these little rocket ship beds and there is a lever and a chain that connects them and when you pull the level they go up and stay connected. "They change to their pajamas" Carly:This is a cozy house you have. Aunt Gemma:Yeah It is-BANG BANG "The girls get scared" Lexi:Were too young to die! Carly:Aunt Gemma call the police! "Caleigh pulls the level and they go up close to the ceiling" Lexi:Can you lay down with us? Aunt Gemma:Sure. "They lay down" BANG BANG "They scream and hide under the blankets" Aunt Gemma:Hi yes me and my nieces are hearing banging at my door.I live at 398 greenville road.Ok thanks bye. Ok girls the police are on their way. Lexi:Carly fell asleep. Caleigh:Aunt Gemma stay here with us please! Aunt Gemma:The police are on their way I have to go talk to them. "Lexi and caleigh follow Aunt Gemma" "10 minutes later" Aunt Gemma:So yeah that's what happened. Police officer:It was your neighbor.She was looking for her phone. Aunt Gemma:Well she needs to stop trespassing on my property. "Caleigh and lexi run back to their bedroom and fall asleep" "The next morning" Carly:Good Morning guys! Caleigh:Morning! Lexi:Morning! Aunt Gemma:Hey Girls good morning i made breakfast.Also i have a surprise for you girls. "The girls walk to the table and sit down" "Aunt Gemma explains to the girls her new invention" Aunt Gemma:So yeah i made a doll who is basically a human.She talks,listens and also plays. Lexi:You made a doll named megan just for us? Aunt Gemma:Well yeah sort of but I'm launching it to the world. "They go to her car and she drives them to her work" David:Gemma who are these kids? Aunt Gemma:Well these are my nieces.I'm there guardian now because their parents passed away. Can they please come with me to work everyday? David:Don't they have school? Aunt Gemma:The government made them do the hardest pssa's in the world and they passed it so they don't need school. Caleigh:We also have friends who don't need school like us! David:Fine they can stay.As long as they don't cause problems. "They walk with their Aunt to her lab" Aunt Gemma:These are my workers.This is Ashley.And this is Tim. Ashley:Nice to meet you girls! Tim:Welcome! Aunt Gemma:They are also engineers! "20 minutes later" Ashley:Wow Girls what did you make? Lexi:We made a Chair that has levers and it works like a car. "Carly and caleigh and lexi sit on it and drive around" Tim:Very cool! David:Gemma did you make that very cool looking chair? Aunt Gemma:No my nieces did.They love creating things.They're like engineers! David:Girls what do you say if you would like a job offer here. Carly:How much would we get paid? David:According to your skills your salary is 5 million dollars and an hour is 6000 dollars. Caleigh:We are so young though! But yes we would love to work here! "The girls continue to build" "2 hours later" Aunt Gemma:Look here is megan! "The girls play with megan for another 2 hours" Aunt Gemma:Um hi little boys who are you? Cristiano:Were-... Caleigh:Our friends! Chase:Hi Carly. Carly:Hi chase. "Aunt gemma leads them to the car" Carly:Bye boys! Chase,Cristiano,Sam:Bye! Boys parents:Thank you for watching Gemma. Aunt Gemma:No problem have a good night! "They drive back home" Caleigh:Can we stop at McDonalds were hungry. Aunt Gemma:Sure. "They take their food and drive back to Aunt Gemmas house" Carly:ZZZZZZZZ. Aunt Gemma:Carly's out.  "Megan walks in" "Aunt Gemma screams and then the girls scream" Megan:What's wrong guys? Is the neighbor bothering you guys? Caleigh:Yeah she is. "Carly wakes up and goes under the blanket" Aunt Gemma:Goodnight girls. "Aunt Gemma walks away" Megan:Caleigh and Lexi you seem tense. Wanna tell me what's going on? Lexi:Well the three of us have a crush on these 3 boys. Caleigh:But we don't wanna date until we're older. "Megan pulls the level down and the three beds come down" Megan:Well you girls don't wanna seem desperate for them.If they like you they will come to you.Us girls are brave and strong.  Lexi:Your right.Thanks megan. Megan:Anytime. Caleigh:It's 8:30 pm and I'm hungry. Lexi:Me too. Megan:Stay here I will get you some snacks and drinks. "Megan walks to the kitchen" Caleigh:She seems nice. Lexi:Yeah she does. "Megan comes back with snacks and drinks" "They eat and play" Megan:Well you girls better get to sleep tomorrow is another day. Caleigh,Lexi:Goodnight megan. Megan:Goodnight girls. "She turns off the light and sits down and shuts off" NEXT MORNING Aunt Gemma:Good morning girls how did you sleep? Carly:Really good! Caleigh:Aunt Gemma the neighbor is watching us through the window! "Carly hides under the blankets" Lexi:Aunt Gemma you need to call the police! Megan:Why don't you call the police I will make breakfast for the girls. "Aunt Gemma talks to the police once again" Megan:Here are breakfast girls! I made yummy pancakes and bacon. "They eat" Carly:Megan turn off. "Megan turns off" Caleigh:Guys let's set the curtain in front of our beds! "They set the curtain in front of their beds" "They eat chips" Aunt Gemma:Girls where are you? "Caleigh pulls the lever down and Aunt Gemma sits on their 3 beds that are connected" "Lexi pulls the lever up" Lexi:Aunt Gemma It's saturday can we just stay home? Aunt Gemma:In your pajamas all day? Caleigh:We can change later. Carly:Want some gummy bears? "They giggle" Neighbor judy:AHHHHH! My back! Megan:SHUT UP! "Megan stabs her  5 times and stomps on her" Megan:Bye bye Judy!  "The girls and Aunt Gemma get changed and go outside to the car" Caleigh:Um lexi is that megan on the grass laying down? Lexi:Yeah it is... "They go in the car and drive to the store" Carly:Aunt Gemma we need ice cream for movie night tonight! "Aunt Gemma laughs" Aunt Gemma:We need more snacks ladies! Caleigh:Doritos!  Lexi:Add these in! "They laugh and pay" Aunt Gemma:Thank you girls for helping me with the bags.  "They laugh and go in the car"   "They drive back home and go inside" Carly:Can't wait for this movie night! Megan:Can't wait either! "They squeal " Aunt Gemma:Girls can you give us a second? "The girls take their showers and change into pjs and spy on them" Megan:I will look after them so you can sleep and back off! "The girls run back to their room" "They jump on their beds" Aunt Gemma:Girls? Caleigh:Come on Aunt Gemma tuck us in. "Aunt Gemma goes to the girls room and tucks them in" "They hear yelling next door" Aunt Gemma:I better go outside and see what's going on. Carly:No Don't! Lexi:Just stay here. "Megan pulls the level down" Megan:Peek a boo! "The girls scream and hide under the blankets" Aunt Gemma:Megan you and I need to talk now. "Megan and Aunt Gemma talk" Aunt Gemma:Did you kill anyone? Megan:No why? Aunt Gemma:I KNEW IT WAS YOU DON'T LIE TO ME MEGAN! "The girls get scared and spy on them" Megan:Aww too bad the girls are mine! "Megan kicks Aunt Gemma in the stomach and covers her mouth" Megan:You will leave me and the girls alone! "Aunt Gemma kicks megan into and locks the door the garage" Lexi,Carly,Caleigh:Aunt Gemma are you ok?! Aunt Gemma:She kicked me really hard. "The girls help her up and run to the girls bedroom" "Megan opens the door with a knife  and walks to the girls bedroom" "Caleigh and carly push their dresser to the door" Lexi:The windows are not opening! Caleigh:She is coming! Everyone shh! Carly:Hide in the closet! "They run in the closet" "Megan kicks the door open" Megan:Where are you guys? I'm not gonna hurt you girls. "The girls cry" Megan:GOTCHA! "The girls scream" Lexi:HYAH!  "Lexi kicks megan in the face" Aunt Gemma:How did you do that?! Lexi:Mom and dad taught us karate! Come on let's go! "They help Aunt Gemma and rush to the garage" Carly:Lexi help me lock this door! Lexi:Push! "Megan kicks the door open and lexi and carly bleed" "Caleigh grabs a flame torch and shoots megan" Aunt Gemma:We gotta get to the car! Megan:Not so fast girls. "Megan slaps Gemma" "Carly punches megan" "Megan kicks carly to the ground" Lexi:ENOUGH MEGAN! "Lexi  takes a hammer and throws it at megan's face" "Couple hours go by and at last they are safe"

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