love notes (no s/g)

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you truly are the object of my admiration, not a second passes where im not thinking about you. 

i cannot contain my never ending love for you.i desire you as a flower needs the sun, your beauty lights up my world, and my pathetic life would be nothing without your loving gaze as light rays. 

 if you were medusa id stare at you with loving eyes, even as i turn to stone i am blessed to have you be the last thing i see. 

 break my heart, break it over and over again, as it will always be yours to break. 

 every second im without you i lose a piece of myself, my life is worthless if i dont have you by my side. 

 you may be light itself, so sweet and smooth. you shine brighter than all stars, the sunflowers confuse you for the sun as you walk by and turn to face you.

i dont see you with my eyes, i see you with my soul. your beauty is engraved in my being, so even with my eyes gauged out, you will still be the only one i see.

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