Chapter 2

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I woke up too screaming I open my eyes and looked at Lux who was smiling at me I groan and get out of bed and into the bathroom showering using my shampoo and conditioner it smells like the woods I think it smells amazing after I had washed my shampoo out I put my conditioner in and shave while It sits 
I finished shaving and wash out my conditioner and pick up my body wash that smells like fall when the leaves are at their best if you couldn't tell I like the woods 
I got out of the shower an dry off my body "Lux Can you pick me out an outfit" I hear her moving around in my dresser "This will look perfect on you" I open the door and she handed me the clothes "Oh you have got to be kidding me" I hear her laugh I groan and put on the short skirt which was green and black then I look at the shirt which was more like a bra I put it on and pray some perfume that of course smells like leaves I just really enjoy the smell
I walk out of the bathroom and she whistles I roll my eyes "My brothers are going to yell at me" We laugh my brothers hated when I wear reveling things like the one I'm wearing I mean I like to show off my goodies but I don't want people thinking bad about me 

we make it to the great hall for breakfast and I sat next to Ro this might not be the time so tell you but you might me confused me and Draco the oldest we have a confusing bond If you will we fight a lot and we don't totally hate each other he just has a dislike after our 5th birthday 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" I scream as he yelled I punch him and he groans "Sorry you scared me" 

Ya he might has some issues like with his anger and well he is very stupid I say that in the most kindest way I could ever Now let's get back to Breakfast "So Medora are you ready for Snape's class" I look up at Emma Parkinson Pansy Parkinson's sister I dislike them very much ever since Pansy broke Draco's heart 
"Parkinson why don't you keep that mouth shut and worry about yourself" She rolled her eyes I glare at her as she laughs with her sister I grab a glass cup and throw it at them "Damn no hesitation" I glare at them as they scream "oh lord what happened" I raise my brows and glare at them "Miss Malfoy threw a glass cup at us" I throw food at them "Miss Malfoy I would hate to bring your father here to talk with you" "Go right ahead Snape be my guest I'll just tell him that they started it when in reality they did and you won't look to good now will you" He walked away I smirk and sit back down 

As I'm walking to class I was pulled into a closet "What the hell" I stop when I realize it's riddle oh shit I take a deep breath and look into his brown eyes "Enjoying the view princess" I felt my cheeks light up slightly "What do you want Riddle" It took so much to talk to him like that my god he smirks lightly "Do I make you nervous" I take a step back then I heard some giggling I roll my eyes knowing it actually wasn't him fucking Parkinson's I walk out of the closet and into class and plop into a chair mad at myself I mean don't get me wrong I wish that actually was him but it wasn't 

I walk into the great hall for lunch I'm still pissed at what happened this morning I sit next to Andrew and throw my bag on the floor "What happened to you" I glare at him and he took the hint and backed off the girls walked in laughing I glare at them "Medora why don't you tell everyone how you thought Mattheo was in the closet with you this morning" they started laughing I felt eyes on me and ya they were his I glare at them then get up and stand on the table going over to them I got off the table punching both of them I felt strong arms around me and realized it was Mattheo I get out of his grip and punch them again he grabbed me again and pulled me into the girls bathroom I try and leave but he stops me "Stop" "No" I sigh knowing I'm not leaving I sit on the floor being with the person I didn't want to see right now "Is it true" I glare at him and groan "yeah it is" I stand up going to the sink washing the blood off my hands I look at him threw the mirror realizing he was smirking "Wipe that smirk off your face I'm not the only girl who thinks your attractive" "Oh so you think I'm attractive" I groan and turn off the water looking at him "Yeah I do but you would just run because of my brothers" "Maybe I won't" "You will they always do" I walk out of the bathroom Can you blame me I can't keep one guy because of my brothers 

It was finally the end of the day I throw my bag on the couch of the common room looking at the new books we got finally I pick out a book called 'Love never dies' I grab the book and my bag heading to my room and open the door and jump "Jesus Mattheo what are you doing in here" I close my door throwing my bag on my bed recently my dad made me have my own room don't know why but oh well "I told you I wouldn't run" I look at him "you actually meant it" He laughs slightly god his laugh is so cute "your brothers asked me tons of things" I groan "That's why they always run" "Well I'm still here" I look at him and lay on my bed opening my book "oh so a book is more important than me" I laugh "no come lay with me we will ready it together" 

we finished the first three chapters of the book he started reading after chapter one and next thing I know I was falling asleep on his chest listening to his steady heart beat

Malfoy SiblingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora