1. Accelerated Timeline.

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Mon, January 10th:
I'm in a small waiting area away from the finicky machines of my primary care office when my phone lights up; I barely get through my semi exhausted "hello" when I hear a smooth British voice answer.
"I just landed and baggage claim is taking forever." There's a small smile in his voice as my fiancé adds "I can't wait to be home I can already taste the steak you promised. I love traveling but I hate overnight layovers....oh theres my bag, I'll see you at the airport tomorrow at noon, love ya!"
I laugh as we hang up, it lightens my mood to hear him so excited over something so trivial. Without mentioning anything about it he'd reminded me things will be fine, this visit will be like all the other semi annual ones a simple formality to ensure everything is still fine.
Minutes later my primary walks back toward me holding referral paperwork. I feel my heartbeat in my throat as she and I go into an exam room where I'm told what several doctors have already said in the past. "It could be nothing or it could..." I've been Dr. Claire Martin's patient for eight years. Neither of us has to say it. "Or it could come back in full force stronger than before" I finish for her, after all no good doctor enjoys telling their patient they're possibly dying soon.  She gives me a small smile. "We've had scares before Liza." I smile bitterly when she uses my nickname, i'd asked her to on our first appointment whenever there was particularly bad news. "I'm just referring you to be absolutely sure; And while admittedly Dr. Philips is slightly arrogant he's a damn good oncologist." I nod taking the paperwork, my smile now amused, She is right. I'd known Dr. Anthony Philips longer than I could remember. I trusted him with my life....literally so. "Should I schedule or is that already taken care of?" I ask as we walk to the front lobby. She only gestures to the paperwork and says "tomorrow first thing"

Tues, January 11th:

Four. Thirty. In. The. Morning.
An ungodly hour to get up and make a two hour drive to a specialist you definitely don't want to see. After the usual greetings, small talk and taking samples. I'm once more teased as I'm walked to my car "I always love to see you, just not in my office" for just a moment I'm back to being an overly inquisitive kid again, when the kind patient man walking next to me was simply my adoptive uncle and I wasn't sick. While we both smiled; the anxiety of the awaited results hung over us. I climb into my Volvo and before closing the door lock eyes with him. "Tony promise me you'll call the second you get them back" There's weariness in his eyes as he nods. "Of course I will Eliza" We don't say anything,  but we both remember when delaying such a call cost him a dear friend and colleague and me my father.  There's tears in my eyes as I drive away back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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