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3rd person POV:

Pete whipped his head around in shock, it was the motherfucker who was messaging him? Was he stalking him now? How'd he get here?

Pete scooted away from him, realizing how close they were, "um... hey? What are you doing here fagula... are you a stalker or something?" he took a puff of his cigarette and flipped his hair out of his eye for a second, only for it to go back into its original position.

Mike scratched the nape of his neck, "no uh... I go here.. Like to this school I mean..." he was very nervous about this conversation, around his own friends he felt cool but with Pete he felt like such a geek. He hoped Pete would warm up to him eventually because damn, this dude is brutal. Pete looked at him like he was an idiot and a liar, blowing smoke into Mike's face, "yeah sure whatever." and rolled his eyes and went back to listening to his music as if Mike wasn't even there

'Was that it? Was that the entire conversation?' Mike was... not satisfied at all with that conversation. And so he decided to take action and to hang out with Pete for today. He inched closer to the gothic dude and tapped his shoulder, in response to that Pete glared at him with his dark brown eyes, ripping out his earbuds, "What the hell do you want conformist?" He sneered at the wannabe vampire. Mike smiled at him nervously, "Well er uh... w..what are you listening to!" he tried to look over at Pete's phone, however; Pete quickly covered it up with his hand, "I'm listening to The Cure... is that all now?" Pete was getting annoyed but was lowkey enjoying the attention he was getting, maybe Mike might be cool.

"Ohhh...that's cool that's cool... Can I listen to em with you?" Mike gave him a big smile, showing off his fake fangs, "Oh... Uh... sure I guess..." He handed Mike an earbud, avoiding eye contact with him, and resumed the song he was playing. Pete didn't expect that Mike was gonna ask to listen to music with him so, at first it caught him off guard, but after a few songs they started to talk more about stuff that they like. Pete listened to Mike's little love rant about the Twilight movies and books, trying not to make fun of him too much for such a geeky interest.

"You should come over to my place sometime and watch the movies with me per se!" Mike's eyes were lit up with joy, happy the little goth boy was listening to him talk about his favorite thing ever, "Oh sure that'd be cool I guess.." he gave a half smile, not really wanting to smile but he couldn't help himself. Pete looked down at his purple shoes, "Maybe we could like... have a movie marathon and watch the er.. Chucky series too after we watch your gay little vampire movies...." In Pete's mind, if he was gonna have to watch these conformist movies, might as well watch some of his favorites alongside them. "Oh hell yeah, that sounds sick!" Mike was totally on this idea, he was wanting to watch more horror anyways, even though he's never been the biggest fan of it.

Since they've been talking together for around an hour now, the vamps friends had started to arrive at school. Mike's eyes lit up as he saw one of his closest friends, Bloodrayne, he turned to Pete, "Meet me here after school! I gotta go hang with my other friends now" he pointed over his shoulder to where Bloodrayne was, Pete looked and saw her, "Oh okay, see you later than vampqueer." He flicked his hair, and went back to looking at his phone. Mike was a little offended by these nicknames but whatever, he walked over to Bloodrayne.

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