Planning a Fight (kinda.)

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(As Ash and Lillie were captured by Arceus, Tuvok and SuperMarki are making a plan to fight Alpha Pokémon.)
Tuvok: Kukui! Join here!
(Kukui goes in the USS Voyager.)
Saru: Captain! I will take the Discovery from now on. You go on the USS Voyager, we can help you rescuing Ash and Lillie.
SuperMarki: Got it! Okay you girls. We're going to the USS Voyager.
Mallow/Lana: Right!
(They head to the USS Voyager.)
Tuvok: Why are you here?
SuperMarki: They will take it from now on.
Tuvok: I see. Come in. We got-
SuperMarki: A VTOL Coming IN!
(VTOL lands at the Pokémon school.)

(Credit: yammydude on Deviantart)Tuvok: A VTOL?(Ramp opens

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(Credit: yammydude on Deviantart)
Tuvok: A VTOL?
(Ramp opens.)
???: Hey!
Tuvok: Who are you?
Charles: I'm Charles! Charles Calvin! And I got the greatest plan!
SuperMarki: What's your greatest plan?
Charles: We ram them!
(Everyone was like: ...)
SuperMarki: Yeah. Not a good idea. If you could do that, you die.
Charles: Well, I guess the government could just see that. Anyways, we're planning a fight for ARCEUS, right?
SuperMarki: Alpha Pokémon.
Charles: Oh sorry. Mind if I join you?
SuperMarki: Yeah. Sure.
Charles: We got a base included. Lusamine, and the others are waiting for your arrival.
SuperMarki: Then I'll come.
Charles: Good. Follow me!
(VTOL departs.)
Tuvok: Rest of you, come with me.
(Everyone agrees.)
Tuvok: Helm. Prepare for takeoff.
Helm: I got it sir!
Tuvok: Commander Chakotay, prepare to engage.
Chakotay: Power on those Impulse engines, ascend when ready.
Helm: Aye Commander!
(Voyager starts to takeoff.)
Tuvok: You do the Honors, Sophocles.
(Sophocles agrees.) Sophocles: Disengage Struts!
Helm: Aye Sophocles!
(Struts disengages.)
Tuvok: Set course to Aether Paradise.
Helm: Aye Captain!
Tuvok: Use Impulse only.
Helm: Impulse only sir. No warp.
Tuvok: Engage!

(Credit: RoryPayton on Deviantart)Helm: We're about 25,000 feet off the ground!Tuvok: Then let's go!Helm: Aye Captain!

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(Credit: RoryPayton on Deviantart)
Helm: We're about 25,000 feet off the ground!
Tuvok: Then let's go!
Helm: Aye Captain!

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