Chapter 27: You & I

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Thunder rumbled loudly overhead while Annalise continued on the Rogue trail. The path winded into the woods behind her uncle's house, leading her along the stream that broke off from the main river. The scent of freshwater and crisp evergreens flowed into her lungs. She tilted her head back, frowning as she regarded the darkening sky overhead. It would rain soon, meaning her walk would have to be shorter than she had hoped.

The thought of returning to the empty house again had been discouraging. Annalise had already spent the last few days holed up in her room, healing from her injuries. Now that she had her strength back and was feeling more like herself, she wandered onto the trail, taking her time walking through the forest. It was dark, growing later in the evening as she walked along the stream. The birds were quiet, having sheltered themselves already for the oncoming storm. Rain seemed odd for November, but despite the chill in the air it was too warm for snow.

Her mind began to drift to the upcoming holidays. The first holidays she would celebrate away from home, without her parents. Thanksgiving would be next week, and then Christmas not long after that. It had already been almost three months since she had activated her curse. So much had happened within those three months that it felt like a lifetime ago now. And things only continued to progress, becoming more complicated.

The distant murmur of voices carried over to her, growing nearer. Annalise paused, debating on whether or not she should turn back. She had thought no one would be out here this late or with the rain lingering overhead. But one of the voices sounded familiar, leading her to continue forward.

She turned beside a tree, stepping through some brush when the voices trailed off. Her eyes rounded, quickly recognizing Sam and Landon. The two were stood off to the side of the trail, appearing to have been in the middle of a hushed conversation. Sam turned to her, a friendly grin extending across his face, "Annalise, hey!"

"Hi, Sam," she smiled, taking a tentative step forward. So much for not running into anyone she knew. Annalise glimpsed over to Landon, noting he was avoiding looking at her.

"How are you feeling? I heard you were a part of that scuffle with that other pack." Sam said, remaining oblivious to the awkward tension or either choosing to ignore it.

She nodded, "I'm good. Feeling better, anyway."

Annalise wasn't sure how much he knew about what really happened. Not that it mattered if he did. She was sure word would get out eventually about her and the Crimson pack. If Landon hadn't informed him already. It was clear he was up for talking, just not with her.

"Yeah, well they should have known better than to mess with us." Sam added with a wink causing her to smile.

"We should get going." Landon stated abruptly, making a move to step onto the trail.

It was obvious he was still avoiding her. While she wanted to give him his space if that's what he wanted she couldn't let this go on forever. She needed to talk to him, to apologize or at least be given the chance to explain everything.

Annalise took a breath, "Actually, can I talk to you?"

Landon paused, turning to look at her. Something was clearly bothering him, she could see that but he remained silent. One second passed, and then another. As if he were waiting for her to speak now and briefly. Sam looked over to him, his tone upbeat despite the tension, "I'll see you later."

He smiled once to Annalise before turning away from them, cutting through the woods instead of taking the trail. Once they were alone, she opened her mouth to speak but Landon turned away, walking ahead on the path instead. She rolled her eyes, easily catching up with him and falling into step alongside him. The silence carried on for a moment as she debated on where she should begin.

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