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This 'talk' Dean was referring to turned into him and Sam leaving for a three-week hunt to find AJ's killer, and that Castiel will be staying here with me while they're gone.

Sam and I have been arguing the whole ordeal in his room for almost 2 hours while he started packing, entirely unaware of how insane this idea of theirs is.

"You saw what it did to her, you can't possibly think that I'd be on board with all of this."

"This is our last chance to hunt it down before it hurts anybody else," He replied, "We can't let it get away again."

I grab his forearm, forcing him to turn around and look at me, "Say you guys do find this demon, what's gonna happen when things go sideways?"

His lips press into a thin line and he sighs heavily, "Then we'll handle it, we always do."

"But what if you can't?" My voice cracked, "Please, I don't want to lose you guys..."

When I started crying the look in his eyes softened; he could see how much this was affecting me and drew me into his arms, hoping that it would keep me from falling apart all over again.

No matter how much I wanted him to stay, I can't keep them from going out and doing the right thing, it had to be done I needed to accept that.

"You will never lose us, Jadyn." He whispered, "Nothing is going to stop us from coming back to you."

I eventually let go so he could finish packing, and when he was done, we walked out to where the others had been waiting.

"We'll be home before you know it," He said to me, "I left one of my spare phones so you can keep in touch with us while we're gone, just in case."

Dean came over to give a quick hug to say goodbye then looked to Castiel, "I'm counting on you to look after her, don't make me regret it."

"She'll be safe with me," He said, "You have my word."

"Come back alive," I called out, "Both of you."

They both nod and say, "We will." As they were going to walk away, Sam flashes a smile at me and follows his brother out of the bunker, shutting the door behind him.

Let the record show that being around Castiel for the past 3 hours was probably the most awkward thing ever. He didn't talk much and when he did, it was no more than a few sentences.

It was hard trying to make conversation with him, almost like talking to a robot with a lack of emotions in his words.

"Dean wasn't kidding when he told me you weren't much of a talker," I said to him, "I can't be that bad."

He ignored my banter, not looking up from whatever book he chose to read and I sighed heavily, giving up my failed attempts.

I tore a page from the notebook I had been drawing in, crumbling it up into a ball then toss it at his face. "Think fast!" I shout.

My target blocked the attack before it could happen, whacking it away with the back of his hand, "Knock it off." He mumbled.

"Oh come on, grumpy, I'm bored."

"I gave you something to do," Castiel pointed to the book in front of me, "If it's not working, then find a different activity instead of throwing paper balls at me."

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