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quick A/N I changed some of the backstory

I never thought seeing my mom trapped behided glass would bring me to tears, but seeing my mother being held against her will in a straight jacket at such a young age can certainly cause trauma    

"Hi honey how have you been." Mama said starting the conversation "It's been really lonely none of the kids will sit with me at lunch exepct for Dabi which I'm thankful for that I at least have one friend." I answered

"Smart kids, I would avoid her too if I had her in my class." one guard said

"HEY!!!!!! THAT IS MY DAUTGHER YOU BITCH!!!!!" Mama yelled at the guard then what happened next happend so fast.

Mama was tased and I was rushed out of the room I nearly drop my dolls and all I could hear was my moms screams as the door closed behind

The guards told me that I would get more time tomorrow but that was it then I wass driven to the prision to see mommy while n the drive I was trying to dry my tears because I had to be strong and if mommy saw that I was crying the same thing might happend and the last thing I want is for mommy to be hurt

When I arrived the only thing separating me and mommy was a thick piece of glass. I picked up the phone that they had and mommy did the same "Hi baby how is mama doing?" mommy asked wondering how her significate other was doing being away from her

"I think she is ok I didn't really get to talk to her, she got mad at a guard who was being rude and she got hurt" I said hoping my answer pleasing.

"these heros and guards have no manners." mommy said not saying much because she wanted to hear more from me since we can't talk every day

"my teacher said that I might get my qurik soon and she has really been caring to me."
I said trying to fill in as much as I can before my time runs out "at least you are being treated like a equal" mommy said shrugging off "I overheard that if mama does what she is told she might be able to come home but they said she has 12 more years that manitory what ever that word means" I told mommy to hopefully give her a light of hope that we might have a chance to be a somewhat 'normal' family

Then a guard lightly tapped me on the shoulder saying my time was up so I quickly said my goodbyes and hoped in the car to then spend the rest of christmas with Uncle Shoto and Deku


Hope you all liked this chapter I will try to update sometimes I have no idea when the next chapter will be up thanks for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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