Heyy , im back

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Sooooo I haven't updated in 14 days and I thought why don't I make a long chapter about whatever I want. So I have school tomorrow and I don't want to go , my friend was sick las weeek so I hope she's better cuz I had to sit with my other friends at lunch , and you know when you bring a book to school , and then you bring it to recess and your friends just start reading out of nowhere, there also all upsassed with fuller house , and I've never seen a single episode so the whole time I'm just sitting nodding my head, I GET TO GO TO A FUCKING CAVETOWN CONCERTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, im so happy , my mom also went to go get me tickets to se lovejoy but they sold out , but that's not my moms fault so I didn't get mad like a spoiled brat,im painting the walls in my room white , and them my moms going to try and get the bright ass yellow paint off the base boards , because for some reason the original owner of the house decided to paint the very nice wood base boards FUCKING YELLOW like who the fuck would do that,im now going to talk about band, so my next concert is April 19 , and we so far have two concert pieces t-Rex and colliding visions , and there very fun to play, I play the flute and it's easy , but hitting high notes is still a bit hard for me , but that's fine, my band director is cool , he let us do kart wheels in the band room , that was fun, yeah he basically lets us do what're in there, like we can go on our phones until class starts and we have to do breathing exercises, this is it ,and it was long but I'm tired so bye bye yallll.

Also the picture is from a jegulus fix on here called 143 it is one of the best things I've ever read.

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