Deep Dive

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Hi, I'm Laura! Laura Lycan Im a simple gamer girl and a great friend! but maybe I should not be a great friend...

Why? Well you see, a new VR headset had just got released to the public and this Vr headset does more than make you see as if you are in the game

It connects with the brain on a deeper level, think of it as Deep Dive Vr

you can feel everything 

here is an example, if you pick up a bottle you can feel if it is glass or plastic, you can even feel if it has a label on it or the design on the bottle

but that's not the only thing you can feel

you can feel pain, like oh I don't know like a bite or cut or a gunshot, yeah maybe I should stop testing my friend's Deep Dive VR games, Especially if it is a zombie apocalypse game.

Fuck me...


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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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