Airen. Wei Ying.

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Lan wangji's mind is blank, as in empty

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Lan wangji's mind is blank, as in empty.

Usually, his mind will be either filled with his husband or new musical notes for his husband or his son and bunnies.
Sometimes he will take his time to think about his upcoming lessons for the juniors.

In short, his family and duties.

But for now, his mind is really just as blank and empty as his face is described.

Lan wangji is confused overall. Just minutes ago, he was heading to the healers yard where his lovely adorable husband found comfort in learning, and would pass and spend his time there more often than not.

Then why is WangJi in the middle of a forest with a bow and arrows in his hands no less; moreover, his main reason for this confusion is the location of this forest. It is in the northern side of Qishan . Or more like 'was' , because it turned to dust years ago during the war with the Wen.

The point is, Lan WangJi is confused. And annoyed, irritated, frustration radiating off of his body, for this is no dream and he knows it.  So sure because, One: he was NOT asleep.
And Two: This looks like no dream, feels like no dream.

Now! Where is his husband?

If Lan Zhan concluded (as in Summarization) right , this has to be the last discussion conference the Wen sect held , and his reason for being in those red attires is the archery competition he had once left in the middle of,  because his Wei Ying had decided to take off his sacred ribbon without even knowing its meaning despite copying the rules hundreds of times bless his soul.

But again, How??

Thinking of Wei Ying made Lan Zhan miss his husband again.

If he recalls it right, and quoting Wei Ying 'Lan Zhan has a very excellent memory' it is right! His Wei Ying had engaged with Wen Chao during this silly competition , and he had saved his beloved who was helping another person, and then that accident happened.

OK! 'Wait for me my Wei Ying. I'm coming' he thought and changed his direction to where he believes the way is.

Lan WangJi isn't sure of why he is in the past all of a sudden, and if his love came back too or not. But for now, he just wants to see his beloved Wei Ying.

The things went exactly like he remembers them to be.. until:

"Lan Zhan! I'm not lying this time. Here, let me help you."

When Wei WuXian took his clan forehead ribbon this time, Lan WangJi did not get angry, or flustered -for that matter-, instead, he turned towards Wei Ying, facing him and said:

"Wei Ying has a bad memory so maybe he doesn't remember, but, the Lan forehead ribbon is sacred, and cannot be touched by anyone other than one's close family such as parents, children and partner as in spouse. Will Wei Ying take responsibility?" .

A blank face with a "Huh?" Was his answer.
Lan WangJi could not help the twitch of his lips.

After a moment of silence, Wei Ying asked him "How" to which he replied with "Will you marry me, Wei Ying?"

"For touching and pulling your head band?" With an adorable tilt of his head,
"No, I ask your hand in a love marriage, and not for your mistake."

Silence reigned over the place for a couple of seconds.. Not surprising.

Stunned Wei WuXian said a quick "I.. I, you.." with flushed cheeks prompting Lan WangJi to continue.. "Of course, you can refuse now, but I will propose again later. I hope you will consider it by then"

He took Wei Ying's hand, pressed a soft kiss on his knuckles and turned around, after ducking his head in a farewell, to go away from the sputtering, confused and awkward teenagers; but his sleeve was tucked by Wei Ying and Lan Zhan stopped in his tracks.

"Can we try a month duration of trial/experimental period of a courtship together, before I give you an answer?"
His beloved's demeanor was shy, flustered and confused, but he stood serious and firm in his stance.

Oh , how he loves his Zhiji.

Lan WangJi regarded Wei WuXian carefully with his golden orbs, his intense gaze on and trailing his every move, before breaking into his definition of a grin..

"Why not?" , in that baritone voice of his.

During their courting, Lan WangJi kept himself in check. Restraining himself, keeping his hands and desires in.

Wei Ying may be Wei Ying, but this Wei Ying is still a child.
Even younger than their own child -Who now has a child of his own too-

Much to the dismay of one young Lan WangJi inside his head.

Seven months later, Gusu Lan and Yunmeng Jiang held a very grand banquet for their second young master and head disciple's marriage.
With both parties marrying into each other's sects.

Two months after their wedding, Hanguang-Jun returns to his own timeline at the same exact moment he had left 273 days ago.
Later, he got to know that he created an alternative universe paralleled with theirs.

After Hanguang-Jun left, Lan WangJi was still there, in the past with his dear husband Wei Ying.

He had been conscious the whole time, so it was of no surprise for him to find himself married to his crush, who is now his lover, who is now his husband! Thank you, HANGUANG-JUN!

Now, he can finally touch his beloved beyond the heated kisses they have been sharing this past 9 months!

And they were happy ever after, all in their own way.

The End.

Finally, after 2 long years, I took time to complete the grammatical edits!!

Now enjoy! 🤗😸

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