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(Disclaimer: Ao'nung X Neteyam)

After Lo'ak left, I sighed and turned back. The others looked at me but then decided to go too. Only Neteyam stayed. I smiled a bit.

"Be patient with him." He signed slowly, I chuckled.

"I am. But he isn't patient with himself." I explained and sat back down. Neteyam joined me. I think he wanted to talk, even though I rather think he'd like to talk with my brother.

They've been doing everything together and I was quite wondering why but I wasn't judging.

"I'm really sorry for my brother, Yana. He is a bit harsh sometimes, especially if he's with others." Neteyam explained and signed slowl and clear.

"Yea, I get that. I'm not angry or anything, I'll try to teach him when I meet him alone or something." I said and smiled. Neteyam nodded.

"I'm hungry." He signed then, I stood up and held my hand out, he took it and I pulled him up.

"Me too." I signed then, we walked to the Marui and I peeked into mine, then I grabbed some food and Neteyam did the same at his. Then we walked around, eating.

We were quiet but I liked his presence. I liked how calm he was all the time, a nice person to be around with. We walked past Ao'nung and he nodded at us, seeming to be jealous.

Neteyam greeted him and kept walking with me. I showed him around a bit. We visited some other villagers.

"He likes you." I signed and Neteyam looked confused at me while I smiled.

"My brother, he likes you. A lot." I signed but Neteyam shook his head.

"No, it's not liking, it's respect. We're both the oldest son's." He shrugged it off but I knew better. I knew my brother, I knew when he looks at someone with respect and when he likes somebody. Because one I haven't seen once in my lifetime.

"Neteyam, he likes you." I repeated. Neteyam looked down like he was caught doing something bad.

I stopped walking and turned to him.

"And you like him back but because you're both the oldest son's, you're scared your dad will be disappointed and because he will be Olo'eyktan and you should've been too, your life will be stressful and you're afraid he won't handle it well. Right?" I explained.

Neteyam blinked at me, a guilty smile on his lips. I'm good at reading people especially because I'm deaf. And Neteyam was easy to read after you've spend some time with him even though he thinks it's not true.

"Yea." He said out loud, I chuckled.

"But also," he started and smiled.

"I'm Toruk Makto's son, I'm a warrior, maybe I will die fighting in a war and I will never get to live my life with Ao'nung or anyone at all, anyway. Sooo... I think it doesn't matter." Neteyam shrugged his shoulders and smiled innocently but this wasn't innocent at all.

He shouldn't be worrying about dying in a war because of who his father is. He shouldn't think about not living his life. He was way too young for that.

I grabbed his arms and pulled him closer.

"I will protect you, Neteyam. I will do anything in my hands that will get you the life you want to live. I promise. You won't die because of war and you won't die at all! I promise you." I signed with a smile. Neteyam smiled back, this time honestly and understanding.

We hugged.

I promised him, so I will keep that promise, no matter what. He deserves a happy life with anyone he wants, no matter if it's Ao'nung or someone else.

"But seriously.." I started after we went apart again.

"Why my brother? Of anyone in this clan you chose my brother? Ao'nung? Come on, Neteyam, you can do better than that." I laughed, Neteyam rolled his eyes but laughed too.

Then we kept walking around the village, Neteyam asked me out about Lo'ak with which I answered with an annoyed eye roll because Lo'ak keeps pushing me away.

At the end of the day we had been walking for hours, we walked a big circle around the village and had quite a fun time. I liked Neteyam, he was kind and funny.

And honestly, he fits good with my brother, I think he'll show him how to be the best version of himself.. 

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