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Thomas laughs when he saw Stu drinking beer from a funnel, walking in with Sidney and Tatum, as he was standing outside and getting some fresh air.

"Caterer's here." Tatum said, putting the grocery bags on the kitchen counter. She follows Thomas's gaze and saw her boyfriend. "That's mature."

"Where you guys been? We had to start without you." Stu said, standing up and looking down at Tom and Tatum, more on Tom when he saw the brown-eyed boy has taken his jacket off revealing his tank top. He didn't even notice they had moved in the living room until Tom looked up at him.

"I thought we'd make it a Blockbuster night." Randy said, making himself known as he lets the videos tapes splatter across the table.

"I thought everything was checked out." Stu said, looking away from Tom to the videos tapes on the table.

"I had 'em his in the foreign section." Randy said, winking at Thomas who chuckles.

Sidney looks through the videos tapes. "The Fog, Terror Train, Prom Night- How come Jamie Lee Curtis is in all these movies?" She asked, looking up from the tapes.

"She's the Scream Queen." Randy said.

"With that set of lungs- she should be." Stu said, laughing and looking down at Tom who had sat down beside Tatum.

~ ~ ~

"How many Evil Dead's?" Randy said, taking a votes on which movie's they're going to watch. "How many Hellraiser's?"

Thomas and Stu heard the doorbell rings, as Thomas stands up and walk to the door. "I got it." He said, turning to look at Tatum. "Tatum can you get Stu a beer. They're in the fridge in the garage." He said when he notices Stu's beer had ran out.

"What am I? The beer wench?" Tatum said, standing up anyway and walking towards the garage door to get the beer but stopped when she saw her brother.

"Hey, guess who's here?" Thomas called out to the crowd. "It's Gale Weathers?"

"This must be big news to be on Inside Story." Thomas said, starting to walk towards the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Huge." Gale said, looking around the place. Suddenly coughing and stopping Thomas from walking towards the kitchen. "Can I trouble you for come water?"

Thomas shakes his head, smiling at her before walking towards the kitchen. Not noticing that Stu had followed him inside the kitchen, he only noticed when he feel a body press up behind him making him turned around to look up at the taller man. "Stu?" He said, looking up at Stu who is looking down at him with a face he can't describe. "You alright?"

Stu takes a deep breath, trying to get himself together and nods at the boy, moving back to give Tom his space. "Yeah, just helping you." He said, taking two cups from on top of the countertop and giving them to Tom.

"Thank you." Thomas said, taking the cups and walking back to the living room, after he had pour water into the cup, giving one of the cup to Gale and she thanks him quietly before leaving out the door.

~ ~ ~

Thomas is waiting by the door with Sidney as some people leave through the front door, muttering something he didn't wanna hear. Sid moved to close it when Billy appears in front of her making her jumps.

My Sweet boy - Stu Macher x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now