GETTING CAUGHT???!=#)#)=%(#)

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Hay guys a/n  here AKA the hottest being evr to live on this planet wink 😉😘

I wanted to say tht im soo thankful for my lovely hot sexy followers that voted on my last chapter 😋❤💞🥰😍

anygays i dont wanna waste any time so erm

lets get to the storayy

also slight nsfw warnign at start

I shoved my 14 inch strap on up his ass so far he started cumming everywhere

liek a sprinkler

when suddenly...


Carole: WHAT THE FUCK???????????? 😨😧😦☹ 

Elmos face turned more red thasn he alrea<dy is

Elmo: C-c-c-c-c-c--carole.. its not what you thi-

Carole: Y/N!!! HOW COULD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was confused, and so was Elmo 

Y/n: Huh?????????? 🧍‍♀️

I said with my 14 inch strap on still in Elmos big fat juicy heartstopping red furry ass

Carole: You dumb cum slut cookie monster wanted to apologays to you.....

Tears formed in my eyes

Was he... truly sorry..?

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is NOT the time!!

Y/n: Tell that blue fat MANWHORE of a slut thta i dont need his apology, and if he wants to apologise he should tell it to my FACE, not send his UGLY rat of a mistress... 🙄

I rolled my eyes 

She didn't say anything, but... i coudl feel that she got hurt......

Caroels eyes staretd tearing up

Caroel: *sniff* i-i-i-i-i-if only yer knew the WHOLE story.......

she ran out of the room crying


i continued fucking elmos fat juicy humongous ass until his nutsack was dried and shriveled up so there isnt any cum left 

i pulled my strap on out of him

Y/n: soooo... can i get a raise..?
Elmo replied in a twink gay shaky nutty voice: Absolutely not you whore!! Now.. GET BACK TO WORK!!!!!

ugly ass red bitch

i put my clothes back on and got ready, i left his office with his cum all over the place, some even landed on the chandelier tht he had

as i was walking in the hallway, buttoning my hot sexy white shirt, i saw CAROLE

Y/n: Ugh hey...

I noticed she was crying

When she heard me she sucked her tears back into her eyes and making them un red

Carole: O-oh hey y/n!


Y/n: So... you said there was a story... i wanna hear it...

Caroles eyes got puffy and red again

Carole: so SNIFF the reason... you saw cm and me doing... the thing...

i rolled my eyes, my boobs rolled in sync with them 

Carole: It's because..... I didn't know you guys werent together... he had told me that you guys broke up earlier that day... and you have known that i always had a crush on him... so i took my chance and.... did it....

I was in shock

I cannot believe that cm would do that................

My blue orbed eyes started getting teary

I staretd running away

Carole: Y/N!!!!! PLEASE COME BACK!!!

I didnt listen

i ran as fast as i could

i rani nto the bathroom and started crying on the toilet seat

suddenly i heard someone taking the biggest, fattest, most loudest shit ever

like omfg

could you have not chosen a better time???

but whatzerv

i continued crying but they then flushed the toilet , and oh my god the bathroom started smellinh so bad it actually made me cry even more

but then............



  A/n note 💞

hay guys sooo sorry this chptr waas shorter thn the other ones ☹

but anyghays remembr to bvote the storay and send it with yor hot sexay friends

638 words

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