chapter one

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The Idea was given to me by a friend because I was bored and was like do you have any idea what to write. So credit to them for the idea

The lady bone demon had told him to come into spider queen’s old hideout.

Ao Bing didn’t knew what she wanted from him, but since macaque wasn’t her champion anymore, he needed to do it, if there was someone to fight.

Even if the dragons weren’t that hated anymore, he still felt like the od one out in any kind of group. Sometimes even in his own family.

The lady bone demon sees him without any prejudices. She just sees the things he can do and that tells him he could do something, something that helps someone.

She doesn’t punish him the way his father did.

She may does not like him in a friendly way and only sees his abilities, but she doesn’t needs to give him attention.

It’s not her job to make him feel good or happy. Indeed it’s his job to follow her orders.

And that day she asked him to get something, something of use for her to rebuild the world.

It was a map, a map that showed the locations of the rings into which the Samadhi fire was split and sealed many years ago.

It was created by the son of the demon bull king and Princess iron-fan, a fire demon called Red Son.

The map was in the temple of Ne zha at the time, he, he used to be a friend of him, a long time ago, he was his only friend, he even lived with him and his parents for a while, but they’re paths diverged until Ne Zha ripped out his spine many years ago.

The lady bone demon managed to revive him and exchange his spine with a metal one. No one but them knew about Ao Bings survival.

So he can easily sneak into and out of the celestial Realm without anyone knowing that he could even steal the map or do anything because everyone thinks he’s dead.

He just needs to sneak into the palace and get the map without Ne Zha seeing him.

If then they had to fight that wouldn’t even be the worse. It was not as bad as the fact that his father would know it.

Would know that he survived or rather got reborn.

He wants to live with the lady bone demon rather then going back to his family or no not his family in general, his brother’s are loving but his father.

He is a mess. That he realized it to late was the worse.

He got manipulated and didn’t realized it how couldn’t he it was way to obvious .

No he couldn’t he was a child more rather was a child in an older body. But now, he is older that his physical age.

He may look like a child but he is not to underestimate.

Sometimes I'm a lazy writer so if I don't have the motivation or time to continue writing so it will take some time for me to publish the next chapter sy🫠

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