The Suicidal Child, Carah

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Carah looks out of her window into the cold, dark lake outside. She looks at the tree next to the lake that she had studied under for hours. She wasn't popular in school because of her cheap clothes, average beauty, broke family, below average academic speed, and her lack of sociability. She knew today would be the last day of school, and her birthday. She knew that on her eighteenth birthday after school, her parents would kick her out with no money and no position to try to survive. She was scared of the new world outside of what she had already experienced. She was decided that she was not ready to go and leave yet.

Instead of going to school, she went into her parents room where her father had kept his tools. She searched until she found a strong, hempen rope. Carah ran to the tree near the pond. When she got there, she prayed. She was scared to do it at first, but after her prayer, she was confident. She made the noose tight, climbed the tall tree, tied the noose around the strong branch, and grabbed the small log. She prayed again,"God, please give me a better life!"

Before she could step on to the log, a tall, dark, cloaked spirit had stepped in the way of Carah and the rope. Carah assumed that this was God giving her what she wanted. Soon, the tall spirit turned Carah around to look at her old house and whispered in a deep, bone chilling voice,"Wake up, wake up."The next time she blinked she opened her eyes to a new life remembering everything that had happened not knowing that she had not met "God" whom she was hoping for. It was the spirit of soul transfer or a psychopomp. Except this time, he would take Carah into a loop to learn from her mistakes so she can understand that she needs to be accepting. This time, he would break the rules and lead her away from the afterlife and into the dark and miserable life of Randor.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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