The Final Games

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I woke to the early sun the next morning. I dressed for the final games between the two men tugging for my hand in marriage. I went downstairs for the breakfast before the start of the final games.

I sat next to my little sister Kenina. She looked so proper, but I could tell she was bursting with excitement. When my brothers left to find a wife, it was just me, Kenina and Eoghan. He had to stay because he was the heir to the throne. Mum sat in between me and Eoghan, and Kenina to my right.

The men came in with their groups, and it was time to dig in. They all ate like pigs, but I didn't mind. I have four brothers, and the sloppiness of a boy doesn't bother me anymore.

"What are their names? I whispered to Mum.

"Well, the brown headed one is Clark, and the red headed one is Fergus. They are both handsome lasses, don't ya think?" She said. I just nodded, and ate the rest of my breakfast.


We were outside in the shade of our tarp when the games began. Mum stood up.

"Let the games begin...again," she said with a smile towards the boys.

There weren't separate competitions though. It was a type of triathlon. There would be a race, then a duel, and to top it all off, a good old archery contest.

Clark and Fergus came up to the starting point. Eoghan stood at the starting line to start it off and to see who won at the end.

"Okay boys, I don't want to see any sabotage out there, so all I want ye to do is get to the finish the fastest. Okay?" Eoghan asked before the start.

"Yes, sir," they said together.

"Then let's begin round one!" Eoghan called to the crowd. Everyone cheered. He put up his hand and let it down to start the race. Clark was quick, but Fergus wasn't far behind. We sat for a good thirty minutes before they came back from the wood trail. It was a very close game, but I think Fergus won first. Strange, I thought this was Clark's thing.

Next was the duel. They were suited up, then they went to the center of the field. No killing was allowed, but there could be serious damage done, therefore, this would be the last challenge of the day.

"Okay boys, ya ready?" Eoghan asked once again. They just nodded. I could tell they didn't want to really hurt each other, but it was for the games.

Clark started it off with a swing of his sword. Then Fergus gave him a swing of his. Finally, Clark slashed Fergus, and that let out Fergus' determination. They fought a bit of a bloody war for a solid hour until Eoghan had to break them up when Clark got Fergus good on the leg. Clark won this round.

As we went back to the castle for lunch, the caretakers had to get Fergus to his family's boat to get some rest before tomorrow's game. Clark went back to his boat as well. It was pretty quiet in the dining hall since it was just Mum, Eoghan, me, and Kenina. Until Kenina said something about the games.

"That last game was pretty brutal, don't ya think?" She asked us.

"Yes, it was, but that is how the games work. If there's a tie, there has to be some sort of tiebreaker. In our family, it's always been archery at the end, and the boy's choice for the first few," Mum said as she bit into her meal.

"Why can't I just choose who I'll marry? I don't like men fighting for me. They could get seriously hurt," I said.

"Well, that's just how it is, Elinor. The man has to fight and prove himself worthy for a princess' hand," Mum said. I let out a groan.

"May I be excused? " I asked wanting to get away from all of this. The games, the fighting, the things that I have to do because our family has done it for centuries. I needed to be free for a while.

"Yes, ya may," Mum said. I knew she didn't want me to leave, but I just had to right now. This is just too much, even though I saw it coming. I was brought up to be ready for this time, and now that it's here, I'm not so sure I want to do this.

I went outside to the satbles, and I checked up on my horse, Harris. Hr was in very healthy condition, and he wasn't too old, which was perfect for me. I got this horse when I was ten, and I wish Dad could see it. It is white, just like his horse was.

I fed it, then I sat on the bench outside the stall.

"I don't get it. Why can't I just want to be free to make my own decisions? Maybe I don't want to marry a stranger. What if I..." I was inturupeted by footsteps. I was used to talking to my horse...alone. Clark came around the corner.

"Oh, sorry princess, I was just checking up on my horse," he said with his very handsome smile. His brown hair was so perfect. Ugh! I do hope he wins the last game tomorrow.

"It's fine. I was doing just that before you came,"I said standing up. I was short compared to him, and I was a tall girl.

"I thought you would have a servant for that," he said with a small laugh as he brushed his chestnut horse.

"Dad taught us to have responsibility for our own belongings. We don't need servants to do everything for us," I said slightly offended.

"Right, sorry," he said. I guess he noticed I was offended. He was so akward around me. It was very cute. Why must he be in competition with another for my hand?!

"Well, I better be going. I have class in a minute," I said packing away my cleaning supplies.

"Oh, okay," he said. "Maybe we can talk again later?"

"Ya, maybe later," I said leaving the stables. He was very attractive, but I can't make the final decision. This was so complicated. The only question in my head is; Why?

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