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Stepping through the glass doors, you feel your heart rattle your ribcage.

First day at your new job: advertising department.

The inside of the building is calmer than you thought, all the walls sterile white and people focused on their jobs. You approach the reception table, squeezing your cardboard box full of possessions closer to your chest to ease the anxiety, and attempt to get the receptionists attention.
"U-uhm, excuse me," Your voice waivers, a pathetic anxious attempt. "Hello..."
She looks up and smiles brightly. It's award winning quality, and it put your shaky smile to shame.
"Good morning and welcome to Jack in the Box!" She looks so clean and presentable; I guess that's why she has this job. "How can I help you today?"
Clearing your throat, you push the nerves down in order to speak again, "I'm the new hire... uhm, advertising department."
"Oh, yes!" She stands, excited seeming to be her default mood. "(Y/N), Mr. Box told me about you, let me show you to your desk."
Before forming a response she's already around the desk and speeding off to the elevator. Quickly rushing to catch up, you trail behind her, squeezing your box closer again.
You feel like you can't breathe. Every level up you go in the elevator, you start to feel a little bit dizzier.
The elevator dings and the receptionist has already shot her way through the doors, turning around and watching you expectantly.
Why do your feet feel so heavy?
Pushing your way forward, she turns to lead you to your desk.
"This is the advertisement department! Here is the board room where meetings are held and storyboards are discussed, over here is the break room, and over here the bathrooms, and the desks are all throughout here, sectioned by tasks."
You follow along and watch the different people working away. People writing scripts, scribbling out designs, planning events like sponsoring sports, the whole floor buzzing with focus.
"Through that door is the editing room, where they take footage from the recording studio on the floor above and splice it all together." She turns and grins at you. "Though, I'm sure you already know what editors do..."
A glimpse of shyness in her persona.
"Well, this is where you'll be set up." She leads you to an empty cubicle, a plastic desk boxed in with slightly flimsy grey walls.
"Thank you," you place down your cardboard box on the desk, looking around at the plainness of the area. "So, where do I start?"
She points over to another room. "That is the managers office," You see, almost on cue, a man leaving the room, though he didn't really look like a manager. "He will have a task for you. Oh, Mr. McKenna!" She calls him over, and his fumbling steps twist into your direction.
"Oh, (Y/N), the new writer," his jittery voice clashes with the energy of the office. "Nice to meet you."
He puts his hand out. It's trembling, and you take it nervously. "You too, Mr. McKenna."
A thin layer of sweat is transferred to yours, which you attempt to subtly rub off against your pant leg.
He grins nervously and gestures towards the board room. "We have a meeting soon. Get your stuff set up and I'll come grab you when we're ready to start."
You nod in compliance and begin to unpack your belongings. The receptionist says a quick goodbye and wishes you a good first day, to which you respond with a thank you.

You don't take long to unpack everything; your laptop, a little desk plant, a cork-board, some miscellaneous stationary, and some fidget toys.
You neaten up the items by very little, not knowing what else to do with yourself. Sighing and spinning around in your chair, you watch the office again.
Mr.McKenna is sipping a coffee and bouncing his leg, watching a couple people set up storyboards and presentations ready for the meeting. Your eyes go over to the elevator, watching the numbers shift as it travels.
"(Y/N)," Your eyes snap back and you see Mr.McKenna. "We're starting now."

In the board room you watch as the other members try to sit neatly. They all seem so tense, but why?
You hear the elevator ding, and watch as their postures only get stiffer.
You're sitting next to Mr.McKenna, watching his leg bounce more, his hand clenched on his thigh trying to push it down.
Your eyes shift to the glass walls and you realise the source of the anxiety.

Mr. Box.


Thanks to Vee for helping edit my shit grammar <3

I will be putting this on ao3 as well once I get the invitation email.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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