Are We Out of The Woods?

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All Taylor did was lie there, staring at her grey bedroom ceiling.

It had been a few long, painful hours since her incident with Drew.

And ever since, her phone had been blowing up -- but she dared not to look at it. For she knew who it'd been from.

She felt destroyed, inhumanly confused, and oh so very angry with herself.

Her icy blue eyes were leaking acid rain, trailing down her cheeks. Taylor had a million thoughts roaming through her now very busy mind, but every one of them seemed to scream the same thing.

Karlie. Karlie. Karlie.

Taylor's shaking hands reached for the pillow underneath her head and brought it up to her face, silently sobbing and breaking down. Her tears were practically flooding her pillow.

With the swift motion, she sat upright on her bed, legs retracting closer to herself and the pillow still clung to her face.

For the rest of that evening, Taylor's feelings were burning red.




The morning after was tough.

For the first time in a long time, Taylor asked herself;

"Who am I?"

A piercing silence echoed through her empty room. Sitting on the edge of her mattress, Taylor finally made up her mind.

She eyed the object before reaching out for it, and blood pressure shot up once she came in contact with it.

Her phone, flooded with messages from Drew. Tears threatening to spill once more.

"Taylor?? WTF was that at school?"

"Hey did I do something? When you get this, call me."

"Taylor please respond, I'm not joking. I'm worried."


"Hey, I'm sorry for whatever I did"

"-- I love you."

There it was, the icing on the cake.

The moment those last words caught Taylor's eye, all strength of not breaking down vanished.

It was Tuesday, and Taylor's head was pounding. Maybe from the lack of sleep she got, maybe from the amount of crying she had done that night, or maybe from her thoughts bulging through her skull.

No matter which one it was, she felt angry.

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