chapter 2 {attention}

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Yameko and Yoshiko was she walked and run many times and they saw an guy yoshiko and yameko asked him"game?" "Your new here huh" the guy said "yeah..whats your name?,mines yoshiko her name is Yameko!" As yoshiko and yameko smiled! The guy said "arisu." "Arisu?,thats a cool name!""Yeah arisu ur name is wonderful!""Thanks yoshiko yameko,lets head to the game buliding!" "Okay!" They went to the building it was like an hotel or an apartment. The girl .usagi stared to exercise yoshiko and yameko did the same maybe this was like tag game?, As yoshiko done exercising arisu and yoshiko pick up an phone,they met a guy, "spades is for physical, daimonds is for wits and intelligent,clubs is for team work, hearts.. is the most trouble.. " the phone. There was an white screen,

Difficulty: 5 of spades
Rules:get away from the tagger.find the safe zone ,the time limt is 20 minutes.if u dont find the Safe zone,the building will explode.

As they went to the building, yoshiko went to the 7th floor but there was an white jacket and blonde man"aww!. 7th floor was taken!" Yoshiko said. The blonde man looked at her." I dont mind." "Thank you!.., you seem familiar?" yoshiko said while sitting at the edge of the balcony
The game was staring. The taggrt stared shooting her yoshiko was shocked. Chishiya in his mind 'human.' "oh an climber.."
"Well.i can do that to,anyway whats your name?,mines yoshiko!." yoshiko said as she started climbing."see ya in the next game!" "Chishiya...chishiya shuntaro.,"wait!,well she will find "the beach"." Later arisu find the safe zone. He called some one "it needs 2 player to press the button!" "You called?" Usagi said" they pressed the 2 button's the other tagged. There was collar around her neck it exploded.

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