New Friends

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Daryl POV: 

I finally got a good look at her; she looked like she'd been inside for the three months she was being abused. Her skin had an awful green tinge to it due to malnutrition. I walked over to the coffee table on the opposite side of the room, in front of the couch, and grabbed a water bottle. I tried to shake her gently to wake her up to offer it to her. It was then that I realized I didn't know her name yet. I didn't want to startle her too much, so I ran the back of my hand against her cheek gently

"Hey," I tried. "Hey, can you get up to drink some water?" I asked her at a whisper.

She opened her eyes slowly and nodded. She propped herself up on an elbow on the bed. I handed her the water bottle, she brought the bottle to her lips, and took a few sips. Her eyes were fully open now, and she looked around slowly until her eyes landed back on me. 

She started to blink and looked at me with her beautiful emerald green eyes. She smiled sleepily, still waking up and blinking slowly at me. After just a few seconds, her sleepy expression turned to an alarmed expression. "Who-who the fuck are you? Where are we?" she asked quickly, in a hoarse voice.

I put both of my hands out so she could see I meant no harm. "My name is Daryl. I'm the new leader of the Sanctuary. Negan is gone," I started slowly. I looked at her to see if I could get a read on her. She looked like she was taking it in and started to visibly relax quite a bit after the little bit I told her.

"What about Roderick? Is he gone?" she asked in a panicked tone. He must be the man that was attacking her when we found her.

"Is he the one who hurt ya?" I asked her quietly. She nodded at me.

"He's gone; don't worry 'bout him no more," I told her briskly.

She nodded and laid back down, staring at the ceiling, with no expression. 

I decided I would leave her on the bed for a moment and get a bath running for her. Getting cleaned up would probably help her feel better.  

 I knew that the Saviors had somehow gotten electricity and running water, I had just never used it here before. I walked into my bathroom and saw a large tub. I started to run the water to fill it.

As soon as I got it to a decently warm temperature, I walked back into my room to check on the woman on the bed. Just as I was about to ask her if she needed anything, there was a knock on my door.

I walked over to answer it, it was Rosita. "Hey, glad yer here. Rick fill ya in?" She nodded, looking deeply into my eyes. 

"What can I do for you?" she asked me. I thought for just a moment. "I was wonderin', would ya find her some fresh clothes. Maybe underwear and a bra too, whatever she may need that'll make her more comfortable. I'm going to get her to wash up, so maybe in the next 30 minutes, could you pull some things together for me?" I wasn't sure of everything she would need but Rosita would know. 

She nodded at me with a small smile. "What?" I asked her when she kept her gaze on me.

"Nothin' just nice to see you taking care of things. It suits you," she said. 

"Pfft, whatever," I huffed and rolled my eyes at her.

With that, Rosita turned on her heel and left my room. 

I went in to check the bath water. Carol must have cleaned this bathroom herself. It was immaculate. 

I went back over to the woman on my bed. She looked over to me as I approached her, she looked more awake and aware now. She started to sit up the best she could. She looked down at herself, realizing she was naked. She tried to curl up and cover herself but it wasn't helping matters. 

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