Hes's protective over you

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The two of you were hand in hand, walking absentmindedly around Central Park. Niall was animatedly telling you all about the show they played two nights ago. According to him, it was one of the better ones with more crowd enthusiasm. You grinned at him, loving the fire in his eyes. “Want me to get us some ice cream?” Niall asked when he saw a cart. “If I said no would it make a difference?” You asked the dork that was your boyfriend. Niall grinned and shook his head. “Mint chocolate chip.” It wasn’t really a question considering Niall didn’t wait for an answer. He jogged away to the ice cream stand leaving you by yourself. You didn’t know his logic behind leaving you alone, so you assumed it was one of those millions of times Niall didn’t think through his ideas. You began walking over, pulling out your phone to check previous text messages you’d ignored, so you hadn’t seen a big Dalmatian run over to you. She knocked you over easily and began licking your face. “Daisy, daisy!” A man’s voice got louder and louder as you attempted to push away the dog’s face. You couldn’t help the giggles that spilled from your lips or the fact you were petting her a little bit. “I’m so sorry about that.” The man with short dark brown hair apologised. He pulled his dog back with all his strength. “She usually doesn’t run off like that. I just wanted to adjust the leash and off she went.” He readjusted the leash onto Daisy before he put out a hand to help you up. “I am so -” “HANDS OFF MY PRINCESS! SHE’S MINE! DON’T TOUCH HER! I’M THE PRINCE!” Niall pushed the two ice creams he was holding into the man’s hand and growled - literally growled at him. “I’ll help her.” Niall put out a hand and pulled you into his arms. He pressed a passionate kiss to your lips before glaring at the man. “Mine.” He growled.


You hummed quietly to yourself as Harry talked to his friends. Your fingers were interlaced and he absent-mindedly rubbed the pad of his thumb across your knuckles. After his concert, Harry had introduced you to everyone on the crew, even reintroducing you to people as well. You had laughed and played along, pretending as if he hadn’t already introduced you to Paul four times beforehand. “You look bored,” a deep voice said in your ear, causing you to jump. A boy stood there, his eyes a dark shade of blue and his frowzy mop of black hair fell into his eyes. He had a small smirk on his face as he looked you up and down, his eyes zeroing in on your hand that was still clasped tightly with Harry’s. “Oh, not bored. Just tired, s’all,” you said politely, smiling at the boy. “I’m Marcus. Not sure we’ve met before,” he said as he stuck out his hand for you to shake. You smiled and sheepishly took it, moving your hand up and down once before dropping his hand. “Well what are you doing here Marcus?” You asked, your eyes flicking over to Harry whose shoulders had gone tense. “My friend tells me pretty girls hang around here. And boy was he right,” Marcus added cheekily, winking in your direction. You stiffened and suddenly Harry was in front of you, his fists clenched and his stance threatening. “Back off mate. She’s taken,” Harry growled, glaring at the boy. Marcus raised his hands up innocently. “I was just being friendly. Besides, it’s not like you were paying much attention to her.” You inhaled sharply through your nose as Harry went still, his eyes blazing. “Harry let’s just go back to the hotel, yeah?” You whispered, reaching out to grasp his bicep. Harry relaxed slightly as soon as your hand came in contact with his skin. “He didn’t mean any harm,” you murmured as you tugged on his arm to try and get him to leave. Harry sent the boy an ice cold glare before he let you lead him away. As soon as he was out of sight, Harry pushed you against the wall, his arms crowding you in, not allowing you to leave. He surged forward to kiss you passionately. “You’re mine,” he growled against your lips. You nodded. “All yours,” you murmured breathlessly. Harry growled low in his throat as he pulled away, gripping your hand tightly. “Bedroom,” he murmured as he led you towards the lift. “Get protective more often. I like this side of you,” you said breathlessly as Harry pressed open-mouthed kisses to your neck. He chuckled softly. “Anytime, babe.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2013 ⏰

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