Night III-/\~-xxx

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As Mia lays down tonight her visions grow wild and flicker. She keeps getting woken up by them banging at her head and clawing her eyes. Although the long figure from last night was not to be seen. Mia picks her phone up and dials the familiar tone of Dr. Henry, "127 calls," her call log to him states. The phone rings for what seems like forever before- *BANG* the whole apartment shakes as lightning strikes the post from outside. All the lights burst and the dial tone drops, "no service," the phone now states.

Mia screams as her inner thoughts all come rushing towards her, they begin tearing and clawing at her as she lights the emergency lantern beside her bed, almost in a begging tone. The lantern churns on and Mia begins doing her exercises that Henry had taught her in previous meetings with her, these were to help with her anxiety and to help her calm down. "It's not real... I am home... I am safe... Nothing can hurt me." As Mia relaxes she opens her eyes, the visions had gone and the faint light from the lantern flicks around the room. Mia looks down in disbelief and jumps from what she sees. "How...?" A long scratch stretches down the side of her arm, she is bleeding profusely and she screams.

The echoes of her voice screaming is soon put to an untimely halt as the lantern blows out. The dark figure slams open the closet door and crawls over to her, his claws dig into the bed as he shakingly slams himself against her. "Mia... You look divine tonight...." The monster utters in an unearthly tone. "Y-you aren't real!" Mia shuts her eyes and begins her chants, "I am safe, I am home, nobody can hurt me, I am safe, I am hom-" Xander pushes one of his claws through her throat and destroys her voice box in one motion. "Shut up. We both know that's bullshit." Xander laughs maniacally as Mia screams as shattered and voice broken unable to utter the slightest of sounds.

"This is real, Xander is real!" Mia thinks as all the other visions disappear from her sight, only leaving Xander in it. She begins frantically trying to fight him off, but he soon overpowers her. Xander tears the ligaments out of her arms and legs to prevent her to move, blood oozes out of Mia as she stops being able to move and almost passes out from blood loss. "You aren't getting away that easy.." Xander says in an almost humorous tone as he sews her together with his claws. The blood stops oozing and Mia lies begging to be finished. "I'm going to enjoy devouring you, dear. Enough playing." Xander slices her breasts, making them bleed out of each cut, as he smiles with the straightest whitest razor-bladed teeth she had ever seen at her as he bites down on her right arm. Mia screams but nothing is uttered as the sounds of her bones being shattered and consumed echos through the house. Xander consumes all he can from her as he makes his way down to her thighs. He takes a few bites from them as he lifts her legs up onto his shoulders. "You should be used to this, slut." Xander demonically chatters as he bites onto her genitals, Mia stares at him as her eyes go blank and her body goes tense, then limp, she finally embraces death as Xander devours every last bit of her.

"Simply divine." Xander mutters to himself, pleased with his victim. "Now... For the next." He laughs as he crawls back into the closet. The power comes back on and the lantern blows back to lit as Mia's phone starts ringing with "Dr. Henry" on the screen. There is no answer as her blood drips down her bed, leaving her remains to be, unknown.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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