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• Carter Saunders •

"Okay, whoever gets the shortest stick goes," Beau said, clutching a pile of twigs in his hand. "Can't it be the shortest two? That way nobody has to go alone," James whined. "Fine. Shortest two," Beau corrected.

I silently prayed I wouldn't get one of the short twigs. After Beau let everybody have their pick, he finally came to me. I took a deep breath and pulled the final one from his hand.

Everybody cheered in relief, besides Luke and I. "Alright, Carter, Luke, you have to go get the firewood," Nicole said, smirking at me. I glared back at my best friend, mentally strangling her. She knew I hated him. Everybody did.

Well, I guess I don't... Hate him. It's more like a strong disliking or a grudge. Even though we're in the same social group (him, me, Nicole Jerreau, Abby Hathaway, Jai Brooks, Beau Brooks, James Yammouni, and Daniel Sahyounie) and we behave as friends, I honestly do not like that boy. I probably wouldn't have anything against him if it weren't for the past we had...

"Hurry up, you two. The sooner you leave, the sooner we get more wood for our bonfire," Abby mused, breaking me from my thoughts. She gave me a pointed look, silently telling me to behave myself while I was off with Luke. I gave a look back which said, "I will."

"Alright, let's go," Luke grunted. I'm not exactly sure what he thought of me. I mean, sure, I dislike him. But I'm not sure if he likes me or not. All I know is that I'm not his favorite person here, because he surely doesn't sound happy to be going off with me...

"Jeez, Beau, we've been planning this two-week camping trip for months and you never thought to BRING some wood?" I muttered under my breath. Beau scoffed, "Pfft. Skip was in charge of supplies." "But Skip's a dope," Luke cut in, causing us all to laugh at Daniel.

So Luke and I walked deeper into the woods of Cathedral Range, the place we were camping at. We scouted and collected sturdy, good, loose pieces of wood for our bonfire. It was a bit of an awkward silence at first, but soon Luke broke it.

"So, these next couple weeks should be fun, eh?" he asked, attempting - and failing - at making small-talk. I think he knew all along I never really liked him, which is why we aren't as close as we are with the others.

"Mhmm," I hummed, avoiding even looking at him. I just kept my gaze on the forest ahead of me. I could hear him sigh. Suddenly, he stopped walking. I copied him, abruptly stopping in my place. Luke turned to face me.

"Carter, why do you hate me so much?" Luke asked, hurt evident in his tone. A gust of wind blew, making my long, brown hair fly past my shoulders. I gulped, thinking about how I was supposed to answer his question.

"I don't... Hate you," I said, hesitantly. He snorted. "Oh, please. Just tell me, and that way, I won't have to spend the next two weeks dying of curiosity, like I have been these past few years," he said. I raised my eyebrows only slightly at him.

"Do you honestly not remember, Luke?" I snapped.

• Beau Brooks •

"Where are they? They've been gone for like, two hours," Luke moaned. "I don't know, mate. Maybe they are struggling to carry all the wood?" James suggested.

"Or maybe they're making out in a bush," Nicky joked, causing Skip and Abby to laugh. "Oh, we ALL know that'll never happen. They're like enemies," Jai snorted. "Nah, like, frenemies," Abby corrected.

My stomach growled. "Fuck, I'm hungry," I grunted. "Really, now? Wouldn't have guessed," Luke said, sarcastically. "Shut up, smartass."

"Let's eat without them, then. We can just roast the marshmellows when they get back," Daniel suggested. We all agreed and got out some of the sandwiches the girls - and Jai - had made for the trip.

I really wonder where they are.



- SB (Ew guys I hate my username so much but I made this account when I was younger and dumber and I don't wanna change my name because it'll confuse some people so yeah)

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2013 ⏰

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