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Strange things always happened around Cassian Stewart, things that his father, Mr Stewart, would often try his best to explain only to fall short in some places. Things like telekinesis, colour change of objects, or even teleportation. His father had wondered if he was born with a new, unidentified mutation gene that allowed him to access some potential all humans possess but can't access.

His late mother, Mrs Stewart, would've been just as fascinated by Cassian's abilities, according to Mr Stewart. He had to learn how to control his abilities, it was one of the reasons why Cassian was homeschooled for the early years of his life and only attended a proper school when he was nine henceforth.

It was a bit difficult to go out to study in public when things like light bulbs exploding, water pipes leaking, and other unexplainable things happen around you often. Yet even as his control over his strange ability got better, Cassian nor Mr Stewart had any clue what it actually was.

But never did they expect the answer to be something simple yet complicated: Magic

"Mr Stewart, you are a wizard," says the Witch.

Cassian froze in his position, half hiding behind Mr Stewart who looked very much bemused by the situation. His grip on Mr Stewart's shirt tightened, crumpling up the clothes that would need to be ironed again later. But his sudden movement jolted Mr Stewart out of the stunned silence he had ended up in and Mr Stewart cleared his throat.

"Right, magic," Mr Stewart looked more offended now than shocked. "Come in, we'll have to discuss more on this topic, I would rather have such conversations away from the public."

"Oh, of course!" the Witch exclaimed, walking into the house with a stick in her hand as she was escorted to their dining room. Cassian followed behind Mr Stewart with a blank expression on his face, only taking a seat after being forced gently into one.

Sitting there like a frozen statue, he kept his eyes fixed on the stick. No, it was a wand. While his attention split between that and listening to the conversation being exchanged between Mr Stewart and the Witch.

"How can you be sure it's magic?" Mr Stewart asked. "Why would you call it magic? Would it not make more sense for it to be a genetic mutation where humans are capable of utilising a different aspect of their brains that allowed them to manipulate unidentified energy? Perhaps energy that helps the universe function?"

"If you call it magic, then what is magic? Is it simply a term invented to describe strange and unusual phenomena without any elaboration? Or is there a deeper meaning behind the terminology?" Mr Stewart looked ready to grab the woman and start dissecting her brain directly for information if she didn't start answering his questions.

Cassian, who was quite curious too as to what magic entailed, simply stayed silent as he continued his observation.

"Dear Merlin, magic is not strange or unusual!" The Witch looked scandalised. "It is simply an incredible ability that all witches and wizards possess."

Mr Stewart bristled up, "What's wrong with being strange and unusual? Are you saying that my son is boring and common?"

"Dad, I don't think that's what she meant," Cassian quickly whispered, trying to calm his father down. Mr Stewart was a short-fused man who was quick to jump to defence for those he cared for, his impulsivity is also a well-known feature at the university he taught in.

Mr Stewart scoffed. "Well? Can you explain it properly or not?"

"First, I would like to introduce myself," the witch frowned lightly although her tone remained light. "My name is Ponoma Sprout. I am a Professor at the Hogwarts, the School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. I teach Herbology, a study of magical plants and their properties. This enclosed letter is for Mr Stewart here."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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