More than the World

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"Taehyung, look!" Yoona squeaked as she pointed excitedly at the constellations that had light up the sky. "There's Ursa Major, and there's Aquarius. That one over there is the Big Dipper!" She whispered, facing me as she smiled brightly. Her eyes sparkled with fascination.

"Aren't they just so beautiful?"

"They all look the same to me."

She rolled her eyes and smacked my arm roughly. "Gosh, Tae. You need to learn to appreciate beauty."

"Well, I appreciate your beauty." I grinned.

She started getting flustered as she scrambled for a reply.

"You're such a sap!" she grumbled in embarrassment.

Nothing could be more true in that moment; with her face illuminated by the night's soft glow, the reflection of the stars making her eyes shine, and sheer joy displayed with her smile, her beauty was indescribable.

I stared at her in awe, wondering what I did to deserve such a wonderful girlfriend. After awhile, she caught onto my staring.

"Taehyung, what's wrong?" She asked, worry creasing her eyebrows. "Is there something on my face?"

I smiled, chuckling at her silliness. "Yoona, promise me something." I say, interlacing our hands together.

"Anything..?" She says in an uncertain tone. She smirked. "It depends on what it is..." She says, jokingly.

My smile only widened.

"Promise me that no matter how far away we are from each other, when the other half is hurt, we'll always be there for them, no matter what situation it is. Promise me that we'll always stay loyal and faithful . Promise me that we'll always make up after a fight. Promise me that we will always love each other." I proposed gazing steadily into her eyes.

She gasped as I pulled out two identical rings, slipping one on my finger and one on hers.

She started crying, but not because of sadness obviously.

Wiping away her tears, she smiles and says, "I promise."

I lean down, gently placing my lips on hers.

After a few moments, we both pulled back, only breaking our gaze as we stared back at the stars.

"I love you." I whisper, intertwining our fingers again while doing so.

She squeezed my hand and planted a small kiss on my cheek.

"More than the world." she finishes.

In the end, she never broke any of the vows that we promised each other, while I broke them one after another. Reminiscing about all of the happy moments we created together, I wonder; would it have hurt this much if she were the one who broke them? Would I still be in the same state I am in now? Is she feeling the same as I was? No. I hurt her way worse.

Pitying myself, I knew I deserved it all.

The Love That Disappeared (Kim Taehyung)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora