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this is dedicated to my baby hanna on twitter
( sarah's and hanna's ship name is obvs sanna )

Sarah's POV

It was a hazy afternoon, around 5pm.
The sun was still pretty high, but the air was begging to fog.
I tapped my fingers repeatedly against the wooden table, my empty coffee mug discarded next to me.
This was my favourite coffee shop, 5 minutes away from my flat, quite and secluded. But they served great coffee, and I mean I'm not much of a coffee drinker but damn.
I can't quite remember how I'd ended up here, sat alone in the coffee shop on a Sunday afternoon, I guess I'd gotten bored of lounging around the house watching episode upon episode of desperate housewives. But nevertheless here I was.
My phone buzzed. It was a message from Zac.

Zac- hey babe, so sorry I can't make it tonight, will make it up to you promise xxx

Ugh c'mon man. I knew he probably had something urgent to take care of, as it wasn't like Zac to pull out of our traditional Sunday evening chill outs, but I really needed some one to hang out with tonight.
It had been a full on week of shooting, and although I had been surrounded by people I still felt a little lonely, no one to properly catch up with.

I glanced at my phone again, ehh I'll reply later.
I gaze back out of the window, looking at the people walking by, when a catch a glimpse of someone in the reflection.

It's a girl, she's beautiful, and she's staring right back at me.
I feel my cheeks flush a little red, but I hold her gaze. I wonder if she knows I can see her.
Shit, I forgot, she probably recognises me or something. I always forget that I am actually famous.

Before I even let out another breath she walks over to my table.

My breath hitches in my throat.
She's the most gorgeous creature I've ever seen.
Her long blonde hair cascades effortlessly past her bare shoulder, swinging gently as she moves to sit down adjacent to me.
She has cheekbones that slice through her face like glass, enough to make any model green with envy.

I'm suddenly aware that I've been staring at her, mouth wide open when she speaks.

"Er, hey I'm hanna, you're Sarah Paulson right?"

Her voice is so soft I almost forget where I am.

"Oh yes, yes I am, lovely to eh meet you -er, what's you're name sorry?"
Jesus Christ Sarah, what are you doing, you're getting nervous around a total stranger.

"I'm hanna, you probably don't remember me, but you mentioned me a few times on Twitter"

I smile, I remember her now, realising why her facial features seemed so familiar.

"Oh hey yes of course, god it's so nice to meet you in person!"
I extend my hand to shake hers, then scold myself realising what a goof I'm being.

It was 7pm, the coffee shop was about to close.
Time had passed in a blink of an eye as we'd been chatting for hours on end.
I didn't realise how much we both had in common, we had completely the same sense of humour and everything!

I grabbed my purse and my phone as I got up to leave.

"Hey, let me give you my number, maybe you can call me sometime" I say, now completely comfortable in hanna's company.

"Pass me your phone then, I'll type it in" she says flirtatiously.

She hands me back my phone, and leaves.

As I walk out of the coffee shop, I check my phone, about to text her so as she had my number too.

She'd saved her name as 'sanna' with a winky face and a heart emoji next to it.

I smiled stupidly at my phone, I guess I wasn't going to be totally alone tonight.

I entered my flat, slumping down on the sofa and dialling hanna's number.

"Nice name" I say as she answers on the other end of the line.

"Why thank you" Hanna says.

"What does it mean?" I ask.

"It's our ship name" she giggles

"Care to explain?"

The end.

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