sleep tight

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this will contain very mature content sorry dudes

prompt : good kinky raulson smut

Lily's POV

It was around 9pm on a Wednesday.
It had been a full on day shooting today for the Hotel promos we were doing.
I was one of the few characters yet to be confirmed by Ryan, the idea being that when the promos were released, people would be pretty shocked. It was American horror story after all.

I scooped up my bag and threw on my jacket. Letting my hair fall freely behind my shoulders, having it tied up all day had actually been pretty painful, you'd be surprised how many hair clips were needed to keep it in place.

Sarah's scenes were the first to be filmed, so she had finished a few hours before I did, the lucky thing. I assumed that she had probably headed over to her flat to get some rest, but knowing Sarah she'd be curled up on the sofa watching TV and drinking tea, which if you ask me is not classified as 'sleeping'
I knew Sarah had been struggling to sleep recently, and Ryan was beginning to notice it affecting her performance.

He had asked me to head over to hers, and as Ryan said "force her into bed if you have to!!"

I had brought with me a sleeping mask blind-foldy thingy that I had picked up from the store in the 'sleeping aisle'
Who knew they even had that?
But anyway, anything to help Sarah sleep.

I got in my car and drove over to her apartment.

It was now around 9.30pm, the cold air pierced my skin as I stood shivering outside Sarah's apartment. I had already knocked 3 times, and rung the door bell, but there was no answer.
Maybe she was actually asleep? Or maybe she just had the TV on too loud.

I fumble around the plant pots outside, knowing she kept her key around here somewhere, remembering all the times we'd stumbled around drunk trying to find it after a night out.

Aha, here it is. I grasp hold of the key and unlock the door.

walking in slowly and closing the door behind me.

"Hey Sarah it's me, I rang the doorbell but you didn't answer, I've just come to check up on you that's all, Murphy's orders" I say as I enter the living room.

The blankets are sprawled out over the sofa, the TV is on, but there is no sign of Sarah.

I head over to the kitchen, but nope still no sign of her.

Wow, I think to myself, the famous Sarah Paulson must have taken herself to bed.
I knew the lack of sleep would have caught up with her sooner or later.

I walk quietly and carefully up the stairs, making sure that I don't make a sound.
I reach about halfway up the stairs when the noise of the TV has faded into the background and is replaced by something else.

I heard muffled, breathing and-and moaning?

Hm I wonder what's going on up there, she's probably watching a film on her laptop the sly thing.

As I step closer to the door, the noises become clearer now.

"Ahh fuck-yes-yes"

I gulp, instantly feeling turned on.
Something inside me reaches for the door and pushes it open.

There she is, sprawled out across the bed, surrounded by masses of white sheets creating a deep contrast between the duvet and her skin.
Her back was arched, small droplets of perspiration forming on her bare chest.
Blonde tresses of hair were messily spread out around her head. One hand grabbing fistfuls of the sheets, the other, well, between her thighs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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