Chapter 1

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"I'm so sorry it had to end this way..."


August 1st 2019


[3rd POV]

"Bloomy! Wake the gosh of the mafia up, we're already as late as we can ever be!" Breezer said in a rush.

"I'm awake! Just give me a second, geez!" Bloomy yelled to Breezer.

"A second wouldn't be enough time dad expects us to be at school right now! Like right as I speak because people are waiting for us at the school entrance." Breezer said while she brush her hair.

Bloomy ran into the bathroom. She grabbed her toothbrush and started brushing her teeth. She looked in the mirror and then looked at Breezer. "What the hell are you wearing?" Bloomy said, spitting the toothpaste out her mouth and rinsing the rest of the toothpaste off, putting the toothbrush back where it was.

Breezer looked down at Bloomy as she was brushing her hair. "Uh, our uniforms duh. Did you forget what dad told us last night after you fainted knowin' it was a uniform school? Dramatic much." Breezer said while she pointed at the uniform in Bloomy's closet & rolled her eyes.

Bloomy looked in the direction that Breezer pointed in. She sighed loudly and walked into her room, closing her door to change her outfit. After she changed her outfit, she walked out of her room and went back inside the bathroom, staring at herself in the mirror. "I hate it."

As Breezer then stopped what she was doing & placed the brush on the countertop. "Oh come on, it can't look that bad on you." She said as she looked down at Bloomy, "See, It fits you perfectly." She said while giving Bloomy a head pat. "So glad I didn't have to force it on you this time." She mumbles the last part.

"Hey! I heard that!" Bloomy yelled at Breezer. "Besides last time the uniform didn't fit me, not my fault." Bloomy said crossing her arms. She then looked at her watch on her wrist and quickly grabbed the brush, brushing her hair so aggressively. She put the brush back down on the counter and ran out the bathroom. "Come on! We're already late as fork!"

Breezer ran out of the bathroom after Bloomy, "Wait up!" Breezer said while sliding down the ramp of the stairs and then landing on her feet as she grabbed her car keys off the keyring at the end of the ramp. "Okay, we're all set to go!" Breezer said as she opened the door of the house & locked it. "Okay, So which car should we take? Style, or Non-Style?" Breezer said looking at Bloomy.

Bloomy looked at Breezer smirking. "Style obviously." Bloomy said, running to the passenger side of their black and white Tesla that has both of their names written on the sides. She tried to open the door but realized it was locked, so she sighed waiting for Breezer to unlock the doors.

Breezer walked over to the Tesla and put a card up to the driver's door, which unlocks all the doors. "Hop in!" Breezer said while opening up the driver's door & getting in making herself comfortable. "This is gonna be a fun drive, Don't you think the same bloomy?" Breezer said while focusing on the wheel.

Bloomy got in the car and made herself comfortable as well, pulling out her phone and opening TikTok. Bloomy shrugged. "It'll be fun if we stop at Starbucks on the way." Bloomy said, hinting that she wanted to go to Starbucks.

Breezer then sighed, "You just want Starbucks, don't you?" Breezer said as she closed the car door & started up the car also adjusting her wheel. "Whoop's almost forgot to open the gate." Breezer said while clicking a button which made the gate swing open as she drove out of the yard onto the road.



[3rd POV]

Bloomy and Breezer made it to their school and parked. They got out of the car and Breezer locked the door.

They stood behind the car and started talking. "If anyone asks why we're late, it's your fault not mine." Bloomy said to Breezer sneering at her.

"My fault?! You wanted to stop at Starbucks on the way to school?! So if it should be anybody's fault it should be yours!" Breezer said glaring at Bloomy, "Ahem, Ladies may I actually say you're both late!" A Lady's voice said loudly behind the two. Breezer & Bloomy turned around to see a tall, Respectable woman standing with a young boy, who seems to be fairly Breezer's age.

Bloomy looked at the woman and looked her up and down, judging her. "Mm" was all Bloomy said when she made eye contact with her. "Who are you to tell us that we're late?"

"She's your principal." A faded voice said from afar. Bloomy & Breezer looked shocked by the voice they heard, "Father!?" Both Bloomy & Breezer said as they looked up at him. "We're sorry we're late father... it would never happen again. Next time I won't fall for Bloomy's tricks of stopping somewhere." Breezer said a little disappointed in herself.

Bloomy looked at Breezer astonished. "Sell out." Bloomy mumbled. Bloomy looked at her father and sighed, putting on her puppy eyes. "Father... I was very hungry and thought we would have time to stop but, clearly we didn't... I apologize." Bloomy prayed that her putting on a baby voice and puppy eyes would convince their father to not lecture them.

"Breezer, You should be a little disappointed in yourself right now, but I'll forgive you for now." Mr. Kuma said as he then looked at Bloomy with a bit of anger, "And for you, YOUNG LADY YOU SHOULD BE-" Mr. Kuma was then interrupted by the young boy talking over him.

"Sir, they are already late for school and we still have to give them a tour, so please save the lecture for after school." The young boy said calmly. Mr. Kuma sighed and nodded. He glared at Bloomy and shook his head. Bloomy rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

The young boy smiled at everyone. "Let's start this tour shall we."


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