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Hello all! I am back again. Whether you are here through another work of mine or just found this, welcome.


I will write about any character from Genshin Impact.

If a character is requested that I do not know much about/know their personality, I will write the oneshot to the best of my understanding of the character and apologize for any out of character moments.

Reader will be written as gender neutral unless otherwise specified. For smut, I will default to 'x female reader' unless otherwise specified.

Please don't flood the comments with multiple requests of different characters. This is to ensure that others have a fair chance at getting their oneshot written.

In relation to the above point, please don't spam for the same request or character repeatedly if the chapter is not coming out as quick as you would like.

If there is a certain scenario or rough outline/plot you want me to follow, I will write and adhere to what you specified to the best of my ability.

I will write every request eventually. The only exception to this is when the book is full. When it reaches that point, this page, the description, and title of the book will change to say there can be no more requests.

Genshin Impact x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now