Kuki Shinobu x Fem! Reader

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My face scrunches as I think, flicking my eyes between my choices.

The stall vendor has a customer service smile plastered on his face, but I can tell through his subtle movements that he's getting tired of me being indecisive. Fair enough. I have been standing here for a while.

"Just the lavender melons, then."

The vendor breathes a sigh of relief as I finally decide to pay.

Just as I finish putting the lavender melons in my bag, I see an all too familiar sight.

"Aaaaaa... Come on guys! You don't have to be like that!"

Itto is being dragged along by the Doushin with the other members of the Arataki Gang not too far behind.

They seem to be panicking at their boss being taken away again, and I wouldn't blame them, knowing what happens when these types of things go down.

Itto getting arrested yet again means Shinobu will be there. It also means she will be furious yet again once she finds out what idiotic thing Itto and the gang did this time.

That brings me to why I was shopping today.

Shinobu has been more stressed than usual lately, and as her girlfriend, I am on a personal mission to take her on a wonderful date and distract her from everything for a while.

As I approach the Tenryou Commission headquarters, my heart stops.

Kuki Shinobu walks briskly into the headquarters and I can already tell she's not happy.

I am happy to see her, but I really wish Itto and the others would stop getting into trouble so much. Shinobu tells me all about how majority of the gang's funds go toward bailing Itto out of the Tenryou Commission's holding cells.

I stand just outside, smiling at the Doushin standing guard, who smile back.

"Waiting for Shinobu?"

I nod and offer them some small snacks. Who knows when the last shift rotations were?

As I am waiting, another figure approaches me.

"Good afternoon, (Y/N). If you're out here, I suppose that means the Arataki Gang is inside yet again?"

I give Kujou Sara a sympathetic smile as she groans, before steeling her expression and entering the headquarters.

Not soon after she enters, the Arataki Gang, minus Shinobu, leave the building. They run past me, not even noticing when I greet them.

I turn back when I hear the doors close again, this time only revealing Shinobu.

"There they go again. Running away to avoid punishments."

Shinobu noticeably relaxes once I come into view. I smile and hug her right away, feeling her melt into my arms.

"Hey, how are you doing?"

Shinobu sighs and groans before squeezing me tightly.

"Same as usual. Boss gets himself into trouble and I have to sort it out. This time, we had to pay a fine of 20000 mora due to some minor property damage. I don't even want to know the thought process that made them think defacing public property to advertise an event was a good idea."

I slip my hand into Shinobu's as we start walking.

"You know how they are. Itto gets an idea and the others always agree, not even stopping to think for a second if what they're doing will get them into trouble somehow. Just think of it like this: They're lucky to have you as the backbone of their group, because I can guarantee Itto wouldn't have as much luck trying to get himself out of trouble."

Shinobu sighs and nods in agreement, knowing anything she does will inevitably fail to whip the Arataki Gang into shape, as they always eventually get in trouble again.


"We're here. Please take a seat."

Shinobu sits on a rock as I start up a fire, preparing to make roasted lavender melons.

I look back at Shinobu and see she has removed her mask. She closes her eyes as she does a nice, long stretch, pushing her chest out a little.

I already know I'm blushing hard, but I can't help it. When I see her like this, I can't help but feel incredibly lucky to have her.

She's beautiful.

"You're staring, (Y/N)"

My blush grows deeper and hotter as I quickly look away, my heart fluttering as I hear Shinobu laugh.

Once the lavender melons are roasting, I join Shinobu, who is looking out over the water. She quickly snaps back to me once she realizes I'm looking at her.

"Sorry. I just got caught up in my head..."

Shinobu takes my hands and hesitates before speaking again.

"(Y/N), I have to apologize. I know we haven't had much time to spend together lately due to the gang's constant shenanigans, and that of the time we do spend together I tend to be disinterested or dismissive sometimes due to keeping up with it all. I'm sorry for repeatedly putting you through this, and I greatly appreciate you being patient with me whenever these things happen. I honestly think you deserve better than me."

My heart drops upon hearing that.

I didn't know Shinobu felt this way about it. It genuinely hurts me to know she thinks she isn't good enough.

"Don't say that, Shinobu. You don't have to apologize. The time we spend together isn't an issue. Do I want to spend more time with you? Definitely, but of the time we do spend together, I value every second of it, even if you're not in a good mood."

Shinobu is stunned into silence as I smile, giving her hands a light squeeze.

"Plus, I arranged this whole thing to get everything off of your mind. I have noticed you seeming more stressed lately, so I wanted to do something to help, if even a little. You deserve it... You deserve the world."

Warm lips are suddenly on mine as Shinobu leans into me. She slides her hand up the back of my neck and tangles it in my hair, pulling me closer.

She straddles my waist while kissing me more and more, each kiss more passionate than the last.

Her cheeks are covered by a dark blush that is slowly spreading down her neck and chest.

Shinobu gently pushes me down against the rock and lowers herself with me. She tilts my head a bit as her hand snakes up my neck, only to brush her thumb against my pulse point.

I whimper. Shinobu falters for a moment, and for that moment, I see something flash in her eyes... something lustful.


My mind is hazy. All I can focus on is Shinobu. All I want is Shinobu.

A horrible odor fills my nose, and it's strong enough to bring me out of my head.

"The lavender melons!"

Shinobu quickly gets off of me and I rush over to the fire.

Yep. The lavender melons are burned black.

I frown and discard the food, rubbing the back of my neck as Shinobu approaches me. I let out a shaky sigh. This really upset me. I just wanted stuff to be perfect for my girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, Shinobu. If I didn't get caught up in that..."

Shinobu smiles and gives a quick peck on the lips to cut me off.

"It's fine (Y/N), really. You still put effort into planning this, and that's what counts. Don't worry about the food, we can go back to my place and I'll make us something there. You can have a chance to relax today."

Shinobu smothers the fire before holding hands. She smiles and holds me close to her as we walk home, making sure to take the long, scenic routes.

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