20) "Mine."

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Matthew Daddario as Bartholomew


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Bartholomew knows he's different, he feels different. He knows it isn't normal to hear people from a mile away, he knows it isn't normal to smell what type of meat is getting cooked inside a shop. And he definitely knows that it isn't normal to crave for the taste of blood.

Currently he's just sitting in his cabin out in the woods, he can't really go outside right now. The sun burns him, he doesn't know what he is, but he knows he isn't human anymore.

Bartholomew does anything to pass the time, he's hungry and he needs blood. He only goes after the humans that deserve it, he could drink the blood from the animals that roam around the woods, but they don't taste as good as the human's.

He walks around his dark house thinking about how he became this way.

He was just walking around town, like any other normal person would. He passed wagons that was getting pulled by horses, he hummed to himself as he looked at all the shops that was there.

"Find something you like?" A voice came up from behind him.

He turned around to see a beautiful young man, he looks no older than 19.

"Oh no, just looking around." Bartholomew says politely, the guy was definitely his type. He never really had trouble liking the same gender, but he also likes the opposite.

"I'm Vernon, nice to meet you." Vernon outstretched his hand.

"Bartholomew, it's a pleasure to meet you, but I'm afraid that I have to get going." Bartholomew shakes his hand before turning around, he's walking away when Vernon grabs his arm.

"Wait hold on. Why don't I buy you a drink?" Vernon suggested.

"Thank you, but I have to pass." Bartholomew declined softly, apparently it was the wrong answer because Vernon's grip tightened.

"No I insist, we could have a good time." Vernon smiled.

"I said I'm fine, I got to go." Bartholomew gritted. he ripped his arm out of the grip and rushed pass the crowded area to lose Vernon.


Great now it's night and he lost his way home, whose great idea was for him to have a house in the middle of the woods. Certainly it wasn't his.

Bartholomew walks through the woods, a branch breaking behind him makes him stop. He turns around to see nothing, just the cold breeze and trees.

He shrugs and turns back around to continue on his journey back to his cabin. This time a crunch of leaves sound from his left. He looked towards the direction to see a figure standing in the shadows.

"Hello? Are you lost?" Bartholomew asked politely, he couldn't but be nice. If this person is lost he didn't want to just leave them to fend for themselves.

"Tsk tsk, did mommy ever give you a bedtime."

Bartholomew instantly recognizes the voice as Vernon's.

"Vernon?" Bartholomew questioned.

The figure stepped forward and it was Vernon standing there with a sinister grin on his face. "The one and only."

"W-what are you doing in the woods at night?" Bartholomew stuttered out, something about that grin is making him uncomfortable.

When Vernon takes a step forward, he takes a step back.

"To feed, of course." Vernon smirks.

"F-feed?" Bartholomew does not like the sound of that.

"Yep." In a blink of an eye, Vernon is literally in front of him smiling. Bartholomew jumped from the close proximity, he tried to step back but Vernon rested his hand on his lower back and pulled him closer.

"Ah ah ah, you smell delicious." Vernon took a deep breath in.

Bartholomew had to hold in a scream when Vernon's eyes go black, veins appear under his eyes and his teeth are sharp.

Next he feels excoriated pain in his neck, he passed out due to the lack of oxygen.

Bartholomew will always blame Vernon, for making him into something he doesn't even know. Bartholomew must've been in his head for a while, because it's finally night time.

He doesn't waste time to speed out the house, another thing of him not being normal gives him, super speed.

A scent of apple pie, pine cone and a hint of home invades his nose.

He takes a deep breath and starts to head towards the amazing scent, jumping over fallen trees, dodging branches he gets into a clearing in mock speed.

There's a guy looking up to the moon, not caring about anything. "Mine." Bartholomew growls, the person looks at him and Bartholomew speeds towards him ready to take a bite out of his neck.

Before he can, something stops him. He tries to move but he's stuck in place, the guy steps back until he's beside a girl who Bartholomew did not see before, nor can he smell her blood and scent.

"Hello Bartholomew." The girl steps up, she has a kind smile on as the guy has a straight face.

"Who are you?" Bartholomew asks as he tries to get out of the hold.

"You can't get out, it's impossible." The girl says.

"Who are you, and why can't I smell your scent?" Bartholomew ignores her previous words.

"I'm Judith Everdeen, and sorry about that." She flicks her hand and her scent instantly invades his nose.

It's the smell of lavender, mint, lemon, and hint of home just like the guy's scent. "Mine." Bartholomew growls involuntarily.

The hold on him releases and he just stands there and looks at the two.

"We should go to your cabin, there's creatures in the forest that wants us dead." Judith walks pass him, the guy sends Bartholomew a small smile before he follows after Judith. Confuse and wanting more answers, he follows them.


Next chapter is Judith's and then we'll go back to the story.

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