From Genius to Insanity: The Rise and Fall of Louis

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The rain was coming down in sheets,
the droplets pounding against the
pavement with a fierce intensity. The
alley was dark and damp, lit only by the
flickering neon sign of a nearby
convenience store. It was the perfect
place to buy drugs - discreet, out of sight
from prying eyes. And that's why Louis
Blackwood ,a 16 year old boy, found
himself there, despite the weather.
He had always been a genius, with an
IQ around 200. But he was also
somewhat of a nihilist, hating emotions
and most people. He had gotten into
drugs as a way to numb himself, to
forget the world and his own brilliance.
But as he stood there, waiting for his
dealer to arrive, something caught his
He heard a noise, a sound that didn't
belong in the alley. He turned to see
what it was and froze. A man was lying
on the ground, blood pooling around
him. Another man was standing over
him, holding a knife. The protagonist's
mind raced as he realized what was
happening - this was a crime scene.
Without thinking, he pulled out his phone
and started recording. He knew that he
needed to document what was
happening, to have evidence to give to
the police. He stayed hidden behind a
dumpster, making sure that he wasn't
seen. But as the killer walked away, the
protagonist realized that he couldn't just
leave the victim there to die. He had to
do something.
He approached the victim cautiously,
checking to make sure that he was still
alive. The man was barely conscious,
but he managed to gasp out a few
words before passing out completely. He
gave the protagonist a name - the name
of his killer.
With that information, the protagonist
knew that he had to act quickly. He left
the alley and headed straight to the
police station, his mind racing with the
possibilities. He had always been
addicted to solving puzzles, to involving
his brain in thinking activities. And now,
he had stumbled upon a crime scene
that would change his life forever.
Louis Blackwood sat in the interrogation
room, his hands shaking slightly as he
waited for the detectives to arrive. He
had never been in a police station
before, let alone been involved in a
murder investigation. But here he was,
the sole witness to a crime that had
shaken him to his core.
As he waited, he thought back to what
had happened in the alley. He had never
felt so alive, so in the moment, as he
had when he was recording the crime
scene. It was a rush, an
adrenaline-fueled experience that he
had never felt before. And he knew that
he wanted more of it.
When the detectives finally arrived,
Louis gave them all the information he
had - the name of the victim, the name
of the killer, and the location of the crime
scene. He also handed over his phone,
which had the video of the crime on it.
The detectives were impressed with
Louis's attention to detail, and they
thanked him for his help.
As Louis left the police station, he
couldn't help but feel a sense of
excitement. He had never felt so alive,
so in control, as he did when he was
involved in solving a crime. He knew
that he wanted more of it - he wanted to
be involved in every investigation, to be
the one who solved the puzzles before
anyone else.

The Early Years

Over the next few days, Louis started to
stalk the police, listening in on their radio
calls and monitoring the news for any
reports of crimes in his town. He was
addicted to the rush of solving crimes, to
the feeling of being the one who knew
the answers before anyone else.
And then, one day, he heard a call come
over the police radio. It was a robbery in
progress, at a convenience store just a
few blocks from where he was. Without
thinking, Louis grabbed his jacket and
headed out the door. He knew that he
had to be there, that he had to be the
one to solve the crime. The rush was too
great to resist.
Louis arrived at the convenience store
just as the robbers were leaving. He saw
two men running away from the store,
one of them carrying a bag full of cash.
Louis quickly pulled out his phone and
started recording the scene, trying to
capture any details that might help the
police track down the robbers.
As he watched the robbers get into a car
and drive away, Louis felt a rush of
excitement. He had been the first one on
the scene, and he had captured
valuable evidence on his phone. He
knew that he had a head start on the
police, and that he could solve the case
before they did.
Over the next few days, Louis reviewed
the footage from his phone, studying
every detail of the robbery. He noticed
things that the police had missed - the
make and model of the car, the
distinctive tattoo on one of the robbers'
arms. He even noticed a clue that would
lead him to the location where the
robbers were hiding out.
Louis didn't hesitate. He headed to the
location he had discovered, a rundown
warehouse on the outskirts of town. As
he approached the building, he saw the
robbers' car parked outside. He knew
that he had found them.
Louis entered the warehouse cautiously,
his heart racing. He found the robbers
inside, counting their stolen cash. He
pulled out his phone and started
recording the scene, feeling a sense of
satisfaction as he knew he had solved
the crime.
The police arrived a few minutes later,
having been alerted by Louis's tip. They
were impressed with Louis's detective
work and thanked him for his help. Louis
felt a sense of pride as he watched the
robbers being handcuffed and taken
away. He knew that he had played a key
role in solving the case.
As Louis walked away from the
warehouse, he felt a sense of
excitement. He knew that he was
addicted to the rush of solving crimes, to
the feeling of being the one who knew
the answers before anyone else. He
couldn't wait for his next case, for the
next opportunity to prove himself as the
ultimate detective.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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