Kenan The Kabob

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Once there was a small kabob. His name was Kenan. Kenan was a very curious kabob. He was always looking to try new, and exciting things. One day Kenan went for a walk. He saw a small mushroom person standing in the grass. Kenan went over to the small mushroom, and asked it "What are you doing here?" The mushroom person looked at him sadly, "I went to get items at the shops, but on the way there I saw a bunny," It sadly said, "I got distracted and followed it, and now im lost. Kenan looked at the sad mushroom person, and had an idea. "I can help you find your way home! I know which way it is to the shops, then we can look for the mushroom village!" The mushroom person looked at Kenan and smiled.

As they continued walking, the mushroom person looked at Kenan curiously, and said " By the way, what's your name?" the mushroom person smiled at him patiently. " Kenan. Kenan The Kabob!" Kenan confidently smiled back at her, and continued walking while they talked. The mushroom person looked at him and gasped. " Woah! Thats a cool name, Kenan!" The mushroom person looked at him happily " My name is Button!" Button said excitedly. " That's a nice nice, Button! " Kenan exclaimed. " You really think so? " Buton asked. " Yeah, I really like it, it suits you vey well." Kenan said smiling at her. " Thanks Kenan! " She said smiling back. " Well, Button, let's go find the shops! " Kenan stated.

Kenan and Button started walking towards the shops. When they arrived, they started to look around. " I need to get carrots, potatoes, and radishes." Button stated. Kenan and Button started looking around at the concessions. Soon they found the carrots, and the potatoes beside eachother. They grabbed some carrots and potatoes, and paid for them. They looked around some more, and found the radishes. They went over to the stand and grabbed a few. When they went to pay, Button realized that she didnt have enough money to pay for them. Button looked down sadly. Kenan saw this and decided to give some of his coins to her. She gasped, smiled, and happily accepted the coins.

When they finished buying items at the shops, they started searching for Mushroom Village. They had been walking for half an hour, when they saw a strange light source behind the trees. Button started walking toward it, and Kenan walked behind her. " Button! Wait! It could be dangeous! " Kenan exclaimed. He sighed as she ignored him, and hesitantly started walking towards her. He caught up to her, and They looked past the trees, and saw a lantern. " Wait!" Button yelled, " I know this place! It's the Mushroom Forest! We're near the village!" She excitedly ran onto the pathway, and followed the lanterns down the path. " Button, wait! " Kenan yelled trying to keep up with her. 

When Kenan finally caught up, he saw the amazing Mushroom Village. The town was fully of mushroom people, and mushroom fairies. Mooshrooms being led on leads by towns people, busy shops, and bustling restaurants, and cafes filled with all different types of Mushroomies. " Come on, follow me Kenan! I'll show you the town! " Button yelled to him, so Kenan excitedly ran towards Button to go and explore the town.

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