Chapter 1- Part 1

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Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.

~Robert Frost


"Mama, it's snowing!"

Her mother smiles lovingly at the expression of awe on her eight year old daughter's face. "How about this... When Ryder gets here, I'll let you two play in the snow for a little bit. Would you like that, Cleo?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Cleo says this  as she fist bumps both of her hands in the air, a triumphant look replacing her former facial expression. Just as she finished her victory dance, they heard a car approach their driveway. Cleo immediately ran to the window next to the front door. "Ryder's here!"
While Cleo's mother, Angela, was talking to Ryder's mom, Scarlett, C & R were already throwing snowballs at each other, laughing, and playing with the kind of innocence that warms one's heart just by observing them.
*10 years later*

"CLEO!" A loud and obnoxious voice startled her from the memory she was reliving.

"Can you tone it down a little bit, I'm right here," Cleo said annoyed.

"I've been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes and all your doing is staring out the window!" Even though Jessica was one of Cleo's best friends, sometimes she was insufferable. Like right now. Jess had gotten her period yesterday and was currently ranting about the school's lunch and how the staff were probably secretly planning on poisoning all the students through the "food" they gave us.

"Oh Jess, stop being so dramatic. If they did that then the lunch ladies wouldn't have any students to glare at."

Jess sighs as she stops playing with her food. "You're right. I'm sorry for yelling at you. You know how I get when it's that time of the month." She smiles, embarrassed at herself. Something behind me suddenly catches her eye and as I follow her stare, I sense the atmosphere change around us. Almost everyone in the cafeteria can feel it. The air has gotten considerably colder and I actually have to use my powers to warm myself up. Thank God I was born with the element of fire. As soon as I caught sight of the reason why the temperature had dropped, I gasped.   


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