Chapter 1

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Friday January 1st 2010
I was sat on my bed doing revision for an upcoming test when all of a sudden I heard a Big Bang.. I turned around frightened for my life thinking someone had broke in. It was the window it has shattered into lots of tiny bits of glass. I ran downstairs to tell my mum.

It was quiet so I shouted "Mum, Mum are you there?" No answer.. In a shock I walked slowly to the Liven room only to find her lying on the floor not moving. In a panic I ran out of my house and went straight to my best friend who was across the road. I knocked on her door "Angel , Angel you there? " The door slowly opened but there was no one there... All of a sudden I heard creaking of the stairs and as I looked up I saw a white figure just stood there I was worried. I ran inside looking for someone but the next minute then door slammed on me. I heard it lock. So in a panic I ran to the back door but it was locked. "Was I trapped?" I didn't know what to do next, I went to go ring my dad to ask where mum was. It didn't go through at first I thought there was no signal, but the next minute it went through.

My dad answered, well so I thought it was my dad. They sounded nothing like him.. I was so scared I thought I was going crazy so I ran home locked the door and ran to my bedroom to finish my revision. But then what must of been a few hours later I woke up.. It was all a dream I couldn't believe it. Just to double check I went downstairs there was my mum sat on the couch alive. I was so shocked and happy at the same time I ran to her a hugged her so tight. I explained I had a nightmare and I was so scared but traumatised at the same time.. she decided to take me to get some counselling. A few months later after going counselling every week I felt relaxed and slowly started to forget about it.

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