Chapter 2

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After the last few months I started to live a perfectly nice life it was finally normal. I started to go back to school. And I did revision after school for a few weeks to catch up on what I missed. Within two months my grades were back to normal it was all going good! I was in year 10 so I was doing my GSCE coursework it was hard but with revising every now and then I got through it.

It's now year 11 I have mocks in a few months I'm worried but I know it's going to be fine. After my gsces I'm hoping to be an actor and on the side of it I'm hoping to start my favourite hobbies which include: Gymnastics, horse riding and sometimes volunteering helping out with charity! Also I'm looking forward to prom which I already have a date for!!

Wednesday November 18th 2011
I've just finished school and now I'm heading home to get ready for a big party which my friends invited me to all the year 11s and 10s are going it's gonna be so amusing I haven't to been to a party since like year 9! Me, my friend group and obviously our boyfriends are going.
A few hours later. It's a few hours into the party and it's going amazing. Luckily it's Saturday tomorrow so we can stay a few more house after that I've signed up for gymnastics which starts on Monday so I'll be practicing for that and revising for my food mock exam and my drama exam which im nervous but excited for at the same times, since drama could lead me to my future as an actor

It's December 25th 2011!

I'm about to open my Christmas presents I didn't ask for anything certain this year so it's a supsrise which I'm excited for!

An hour later I've opened my presents and I can't believe it... My mum got me into a agency who do acting and I get to audition to be a big broadway show After my GSCES!!! I can't believe I really hope I get a role I'll update you if I do!! I also got loads of cooking supplies for my GSCES food exam.

Fast forward to 31st December 2011
It's 20:34 me and friends had a buffet to celebrate which my mum made. There's about 3 hours until New Years and we have music on to welcome in the new year. We're also having a cheeky drink. Also I find out tomorrow if I get the role but if I do I have to wait till after my GSCES in June to starting filming. I don't know where it will be yet but if I get it I will find out all the details!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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