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It has been seventeen years since that day.while it's only been four since her father disappeared into the morning fog like magic alongside her grandmother. She now has two siblings Oliver and Elvira who no matter what she does they call her mom. The morning sun is seen rising as Holly rises from her bed, careful not to wake her siblings and she slowly walks downstairs to start her day. The first thing Holly did was clean the living room. Cleaning up the broken bottles and the drug residue was not easy but she managed. She then moved on to the dining room, slowly but surely the downstairs was all clean and it was time for her to start breakfast. That morning she made scrambled eggs and pancakes for her mom and she was even able to sneak some back up to her room for her siblings to eat knowing otherwise they would be unable to eat that day. And just as Holly was finishing setting the table she heard her mom storming down the stairs, Holly quickly hid in the living room so that she could sneak back upstairs before her mom and stepfather saw her. As Holly quickly sped upstairs silently she heard grunts from the dining room, knowing that everything was fine and that her breakfast was good enough that she would not be beaten. Holly knew she had to wake her siblings in about an hour, but in the meantime it was time to pack, they were moving to bluebell New York from Charlotte, North Carolina. As Holly made it up to her room she saw that her siblings had already awoken and had started to pack their things the movers were coming today and so if they wanted to keep their things out of the moving truck they had to pack fast, Thankfully they weren't aloud to remove their stuff from their bedroom and so they quickly started to pack. As Holly was packing their clothes, Elvira was packing their stuffed animals while Oliver was packing their toys. And finally everything was almost packed. They had a total of six bags, mostly from the toys that Holly had bought the children with the money she made from doing other kids homework, but some were clothes. The bags were all duffle bags so they fit a decent amount, and so as Holly unmade their bed and put the blankets sheets and pillows in a final seventh bag, Vira and Oli picked up the three pictures they had of their father, grandmother and of the village, and placed them in a bag of stuffed animals to keep them safe they sighed and closed their eyes wishing for a better life for themselves and their older sister and soon to be baby brother. They heard their step dad yell at them to bring their bags to the car, and so they each grabbed two bags with Holly grabbing the last bag, they hurried to put the bags in the trunk. They were told that they wouldn't be getting seats in the minivan and to put the seats down to sit sit in the back and since the side windows were covered by suitcases and blankets, it would be fine and so holly took the five blankets they had in their bags along with the sheats and laid them down to make the trip more comfortable. Then she grabbed a few more blankets to cover the children with and even took some pillows from the house to put against the suitcases for the kids to lay against. Holly finally took some stuffed animals to comfort the kids as they made this long trip and so as she got the children settled along with their bags, her step father put some suitcases in front of the back window leaving only and small area where the kids could slid through so that when they went to get food or go to the bathroom they would be have to follow them. And as they settled in waiting for the movers to finish, Holly gave the kids some of the food she had taken from breakfast to eat before they left. About two hours later, it was time to go and as the car started the kids fell asleep listening to the sound of the car as it ran and as they fell asleep they wondered what life would be like now that they were moving, and as holly's eyes closed all she could think about is how it almost felt like everything was about to change.

In the town of bluebell we can see that the day is going on like normal, the children are outside playing seeing as it's a saturday, parents are watching their children play, and as we look inside a large house we see the alpha doing his work waiting for his son to come in from gardening with his mother. When his son came in he spoke to him. "Get dressed in clean clothes" said the alpha to his son. His son questioned why but did as he was told and when he was dressed he followed his father out of the house and to the archives. As the father and son pair reached the archives, the father started to speak. "Son as you know our village celebrates a prophecy", and as the son nodded his head his father continued to speak as he removed the prophecy from its glass case. "Son over the years our family has kept an eye out for the chosen ones but they never came until on the day of your 4th birthday when you glowed showing that your mate had been born, that aura had a snowy and powerful feeling, it was then I knew that you and your mates the chosen ones". The son's eyes widened. He had always known that he had a mate connected with the snow but he hadn't thought that she was the chosen one, and then the father spoke again.'' There is a family moving to bluebell" the son was speechless no one ever moved to bluebell. It was a supernatural village. Knowing what his son was thinking he spoke once more,"some of them are supernatural, I worry about this family, the parents don't seem right, keep an eye on them please son." and as he said that the father put the prophecy away in its case and left the archive. The son was left there staring and thinking of his mate. He had a feeling that they would be meeting soon and their adventures would start soon after. And as the son left he looked back once at the case with the prophecy within and smiled thinking of his mate, and left with that smile on his face.

Meanwhile the Evans family is traveling through the countryside of Maryland and Holly can't help but feel as if something is coming their way. An hour later the car started to spin off the road until it crashed into a tree. Holly held onto her siblings as her mom and stepdad climbed into the back and hid under the large blankets they had in the back seats while Holly held her siblings hiding with them behind the piles of suitcases as they heard something rub up against the car shaking the vehicle. As it rubbed past the car trying to look into the window trying to find out whose within when all of a sudden it cries out in pain and backs away as someone with a gun comes running up to their rescue calling out to others as it chases the creature away as others break into the truck of the car to start pulling them the guy starts to push the suitcases out the vehicles for the other to grab and put into the nearby truck he gasps as he looks at who is in the vehicle. Holly on the other hand broke out of her stupor rather quickly and handed her siblings off to her fathers old friend as she gathered their seven bags as her parents, still covered in the blankets glared at the man who was putting Holly's siblings in the backseat of one of their trucks. Holly climbed out of the back seat with their bags and hurried to the truck her siblings were in and after she was fully in the door was shut behind her as she stared out the window watching as 4 men kept watch to make sure the creature didn't retired while her parents were placed in another truck while also having gotten some first aid seeing as they were the only ones injured in the crash. Holly watched as they finished putting her siblings' toys that they had had in the backseat along with the blankets into one of the vans with their luggage and everyone climbed into their respective vehicles and started to drive off leaving their minivan behind.

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