Chapter 1 - Better Early than Late

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    "Oh my god!" the woman exclaimed as the man's body pressed up against her. Sweat dripped from both of their faces, and she leaned her back against the wall.

    "You like that?" the man smirked as he placed a kiss on her neck. Her body shuddered as he pulled away.

    "Yeah." she panted, clearly out of breath. She watched as he buttoned up his shirt and quickly slipped on his pants. It was an hour before their shift started, and they wanted to make sure they wouldn't get caught.

    Natalie wasn't new to the station, but new to the shift. In fact, she had been at the 118 for five years now. Her and Captain Nash had met each other before in passing, but didn't really notice each other until they started working together more closely. Very quickly the two were drawn to each other in a more sexual nature. Nothing had really been discussed between them other than the fact that they had planned encounters before their shifts.

    "Nat." Bobby nodded his head in the direction of her uniform. It was draped over his desk chair, "You gonna get dressed?"

    "Yeah. Sorry." she laughed and shook her head, "I don't know what I was thinking." Which was a lie. She definitely did. She was thinking about the fact that her and her new captain had somehow fallen into bed with each other and were now friends with benefits.

    "I'm going to go grab some coffee. I'll be back before the shift starts." he said, lacing up his boots.

    "Oh! Can I come with?" Natalie asked as she pulled her pants over her hips.

    "I don't think that's really the best idea." Bobby sighed, "Wouldn't want anyone getting the wrong idea."

    Right... Because no one could possibly get the wrong idea from this.

    "You're right." she gulped and pulled her boots on, "I'll just head upstairs then."

    "Lock the door when you leave?"

    "Yeah..." she spoke softly as he exited the room. She sat down in the chair and propped her foot up on the desk to tie her boot. How on earth had it come to this? Who could ever imagine sleeping with their boss in the bosses office? Definitely not quite what Natalie had pictured when she got transferred over from the B shift.

    A few moments later, Natalie quietly peaked her head out of the office to check if anyone was around. Once she realized that the coast was clear, she slipped out the door, quietly allowing it to shut behind her. Quickly, she made her way over to the locker room and dug a hairbrush out of her bag. She checked her appearance in the small mirror hung on the inside of her locker door.

    "Morning." Hen said as she walked into the room.

    "Oh! Good morning, Hen. I didn't see you there." Natalie was a bit spooked hearing the woman's voice. She hadn't expected anyone to be in this early.

    "It's ok. You were too busy checking yourself out in your mirror." Hen laughed as she set her things down on the bench before opening her locker. Natalie offered a faint laugh in response, hoping that Hen hadn't been there long.

    "What brings you in this early?" Natalie tried to break the silence that filled the room.

    "I had to drop Denny off at a robotics meet early this morning. Figured there was no point in going home just to leave and come back here... What about you? What brings you here so early?"

    Natalie's heart beat sped up and her blood pressure rose to the point where she could hear the blood flowing in her ears. She had to say just the right thing to make sure that Hen believed her. "Oh, I just like being early. Much better than being late."

    "I guess that's true. You were normally here for a bit before our shifts ended when you were on B shift." Hen said. Thank god she bought it.

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