Jakhob's Awakening Part 20 (Ch 22)

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"I should have killed you when I had the chance..." Jakhob heard the male say, his voice labored as the dragon's foot bore down on him.

"A pity you didn't..." Delilah laughed, and kicked him in the face. "And it's a pity you are not mine kill... For I would love to hang you from that rope...strip your body down...impale you on some vile phallus...and have tortured until you begged for my mercy... I would let your soldiers toy with your pathetic manhood...with orders to bring you to your breaking point...but never allow the satisfaction of release...and if you did...Oh the punishment would be severe..."

"You were a bitch when I slaughtered mine brother and took you to mine bed...a bitch every time I took from you your body and listened to you beg for me to stop...and you were a bitch when I gave to your mine men...and like the dogs they were they rode you hard..."

His words were silenced as Davosh, the dragon, bore down on his chest, squishing the breath right out of him. "No!...Let him speak his peace...for he will not last long...Let him spew his confession at mine feet like the savage beast that he is..." And with that, the dragon let up just enough that a gasp could be heard throughout the massive cavern with no roof. "Tell me more of what you should have done with me... Let your vile mouth spill its toxic waste..."

"There is nothing I would say to a whore such as yourself...One I sold to the slavers tents...night after night...One I let hang from the post in the village...free to whoever had the courage to take you in public..."

Why was she allowing this? With one thought, Jakhob knew what the dragon was capable of, so why prolong it? Why draw it all out?


"If it were not for mine father...you would have been given to the horses...a pleasure doll for their giant..." But she kicked him again.

"Do you see mine love?...Do you see mine love for you?"

Who was she talking to? The dragon? But it was all too clear a moment later. The moment he heard yet another voice.

"Go on..." It was more of a demand that a request, and it was not directed at Delilah. "Tell your mate..." Though the words were filled with shudders, "Tell her what you wanted to do with her..." He knew that voice. He was here, it was Behnjamin.

The male froze, but the pressure upon his chest grew, and he began again. "I should have killed her... Slit her throat and hung her from the battlements...naked!...Or as mine mother had suggested...sell her to the humans and let them have their way with her!... I know of a few places that would be thrilled to tie her down and use her body for their vile fantasies...Let them fondle your breasts and thrust away into your various filthy holes..."

"I have heard enough..." Behnjamin groaned, "It is a wonder you have not slit his throat yourself..."

"I made a promise..." Delilah replied, turning to smile at Jakhob, and then back to her lover. "I promised I would share mine kill... As you have been offended as well... Your female kidnapped...violated...tortured... The many hours you spent finding me..."

"It is true!" Behnjamin replied, "I cannot deny it..."

"And you have heard all that he has said just now..."

"I have..." Behnjamin agreed, glaring at the male, still pinned to the floor.

"Then know that mine love for you is strong and that mine heart only beats for you as I offer this pathetic bastard unto you for judgment..." She smiled, first at Behnjamin, and then at Jakhob.

"You cannot give me over to him...I will not be buggered like a fool for his amusement..." The male yelled "Your are mine mate!...And you will follow mine command..." He howled, but was ignored. "I should have let the mongrels take you...rip your body apart with their cocks...I should have given you to the beasts and let them ravage your broken body for eternity..."

Dream Journal: The Chronicles. Vol. 3- Jakhob's Awakening.Where stories live. Discover now