Almost done with the prewritten chapters...

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Blaise nods into Harry's neck before timidly asking, "can-can I go see Collin n-now? I want to-to make sure he's really okay." Harry releases him and says, "Of course, come on let's go. We have a few places to check in order to find him. We'll start with the living room." Harry pulls Blaise behind him as they go to the living room. Or rather the sitting room, as the actual living room is where Harry has his floo, not that Harry cares about proper room titles. They finally get there to see everyone sitting and playing a board game. Collin had taken the time to explain Uno to them. They had decided to pair up, by ages, so naturally Tom and Draco were one team. Fred and George were another team, and Severus and Collin were the last team. Tom and Draco had been winning but stopped everything when they saw Harry enter. Harry slowly looked everyone in the eye, before finally saying, "Blaise is here, he is alive, and knows the rules. Collin you'll share a room with him so as to make each other feel safer, okay?" Collin nods rapidly and Harry smiles, "Alright, good. Now then we all need to talk about how you were treated while in custody. I know it won't be easy, but I need to know what they did to you. So, Tom, you'll start." Tom looks up like a deer in headlights before saying, "Nothing really happened. They pushed me around a bit, hit me some, then they had to bring Draco in. After that they would only throw lewd comments at us. Well, until you were almost back, then one of the guards told us that you wouldn't want us for long. That you'd probably sell us off to the highest bidders, or rent us out after you had used us. It- It terrified me, Draco was scared to and that's why you found us like that. Draco had tried to punch the guard and was instead restrained." Harry nods before saying, "Alright, thank you Tom. Don't worry, any of you, what those guards told you was wrong. I will not sell you, nor rent you out. You may be "slaves" but that is only because the minister is a fool. Now Draco anything to add?" Draco simply shakes his head no. The twins follow suit for the question as does Severus. Collin and Blaise however simply say, "well, they mostly left us alone too. They insulted us and punched us. They would occasionally kick or curse us. Blaise had it worse though..." Harry nods before looking at Blaise, he stares before saying, "I'll tell you in private later. I don't want them to hear." Harry nods before saying, "Alright, well at least your all away from those people. I'll try to be nice, but you have to follow my rules alright?" Everyone nods. Harry sighs before saying, "Good, I hate it when I have to constantly repeat MySelf. By the way Neville will be coming over sometimes. He is after all my god brother. Anyway, you will all do as he says, as I know he won't hurt anyone, on purpose. Don't worry Sev, Siri won't be visiting til Remi thinks he can behave himself. So you probably have a year or two." Everyone nods and laughs except Severus. Harry picks up on the troubling winds and picks up Severus. Luckily it takes almost none of Harry's stamina to carry the lightweight young man. The next second he is sitting on the couch stroking Severus's back and whispering reassurances. Harry then heard a floo call and carefully puts Sev down, kneeling on the ground. The floo answers, to reveal Albus Dumbledore once again sitting on the other side.

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