Animal I Have Become

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You nodded in response to the thin creatures words. He attempted to smile back at you. He was a few feet taller than you and towered over BEN Drowned who sat on the couch. BEN didn't care if Jeff or you died. His emotions including sorrow died a long time ago.

"Dr. Smiley tended to your wounds before you awoke, so don't freight about that." Slender man spoke before turning to Jeffery.

"I will fetch Mr. (L/N)'s mask. Jeffery please introduce him to the manor. If you even lay a finger on him I will not hesitate to kill you." He disappeared into the air before another word could be said.

"Well lets get going. This is Slender Mansion, home of the infamous creepypastas who chose to live here. Slendy has assigned you to live here with us," He surprisingly gave a smile. "I'm guessing you don't know your past. Living here is an advantage, no one else can enter and no running from the cops."

"Why that smile?" You asked suddenly receiving a glare from the killer.

"I can smile forever, aren't I beautiful?" He smiled once again. It was obvious he was sleep-deprived but he also seemed bipolar and had many issues. You smiled shyly back.

He began to lead you down a hallway. He knew how to navigate this maze of halls. The hall was dressed nicely just like the Slenderman was. Clean suit and a professional speech pattern. Unlike the killer beside you.

"Your not as weak as I put you out to be. You pretty fast, so that's an advantage," You and Jeff exchanged a glance, locking eyes quickly. "That doesn't mean you'll beat me." Your chest began to ache suddenly so you removed your eyes from him. You smiled a little bit.

Jeff and you stopped at the end of a hall on one of the highest floors and looked at you. "This is your room. I happen to live across from you," he pointed to the door across from yours. "Slendy should be back soon, any questions?" He asked.

"Did you have a death wish?" You asked.


"When you cut into your face and burnt off--"

"No," He pushed you against the wall. "Why would you ask that?" He lifted you up to his height pulling your shirt. He glared at you with the eyes of murderer. With his other hand he grabbed his bloody kitchen knife. He pressed it against your (S/T) neck almost enough to leak crimson blood.

"You know, you are such a pain and you don't even know why," He looked at you straight in the eyes and gave you a genuine smile. "I must be going now, goodbye." He walked into his room and slammed his door, leaving you wondering what the hell had just happened.

Jeff The Killer X Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now