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too close
( na'vi italics )

NÌNRRA WHOOPED AS SHE SOARED THROUGH THE SKY ON NEYTIRI'S IKRAN. Neytiri laughed at the girl's excitement and decided to do some tricks just to hear that pretty sound again. Nìnrra shrieked when they went upside down and held onto tighter to Neytiri. The girls were on their way to watch Jake hopefully tame an ikran. The girls flew around some more before they landed on the side of the mountain.

Nìnrra's body jolted from the landing and she got down with the help of Neytiri. At the sight of Jake, both girls smiled warmly at him. Nìnrra greeted Tsu'Tey and the young students. "Jakesully will go first." Tsu'Tey told then with a patronizing smirk. In return, Neytiri glared at him. Nìnrra smiled at Jake and grabbed his bow for him. At the sight of the slippery rocks, Neytiri quickly grabbed Nìnrra's hand just incase.

They carefully walked across the side of the waterfall closely behind Jake. "Now you choose your ikran. This you must feel inside." Neytiri softly spoke to Jake as she placed her hand on his chest. "If he also chooses you, move quick like I showed." Nìnrra decided to stay quiet for this part as she knew very little about ikrans and just peeked over the two's shoulders to watch the creatures.

"How will I know if he chooses me?" Jake spoke a little breathlessly. "He will try to kill you." At Neytiri's response both Jake and Nìnrra gave bewildered looks. "Outstanding." Nìnrra held onto Neytiri's hand a little tighter when they began to move into the open. Nìnrra crouched low to the ground and flinched at every ikran noise. She watched Jake carefully as he unwrapped his rope. She felt Neytiri place a hand on her back and smiled to herself.

Once Jake found his ikran they hissed at each other. Nìnrra, still crouched stepped a little closer. "That morons going to die." Nìnrra turned around and hissed at Tsu'Tey before turning back around. Tsu'Tey shut up after that. Jake wrapped the rope around the ikran's mouth and jumped on it's back with a grunt. Nìnrra tuned out the rest and focused on Jake. It seems like he was losing and the thought made her nervous.

When Jake tried to make Tsaheylu, the ikran threw it's head back and knocked him onto the ground, over the cliff. Nìnrra immediately jumped up and ran closer to the cliff with Neytiri right beside her. "Jake! Oh great mother please." Nìnrra anxiously paced. When Jake pulled himself up, the girls placed their hands on each other's shoulders as comfort. Nìnrra crouched down again and placed her hand on her knife.

Neytiri shouted at him to make the bond and Nìnrra pulled her knife out of it's sheath. She wasn't supposed to intervene during this but she would if she had to. It turns out she wouldn't have to because Jake brought forward his queue and made the bond. Nìnrra put her knife back in it's sheath and whooped. She stood up from her crouched position in excitement and. "Yeah, that's right. You're mine." Nìnrra faltered at his words and stared at him, unsure why the words had an effect on her.

Jake mounted his ikran and the girls ran over to him. Nìnrra patted Jake's thigh and smiled at him. Neytiri moved the ikran to face the cliff, "First flight seals the bond. You cannot wait. Think, fly!" The girls barely had enough time to crouch as Jake dived off. Nìnrra looked over the side and whooped along with the students when he finally got the hang of flying.

Neytiri beamed at the sight and quickly grabbed Nìnrra's hand. They ran over to Seze and Neytiri smoothly mounted before holding out a hand to Nìnrra and helped her up. Once they were both settled, they dived off the cliff and flew towards Jake. Neytiri let out a hoot and leveled out next to his ikran. Jake looked over and smiled at the two girls. Nìnrra waved excitedly and whooped, "Hell yeah!"

Nìnrra sat with her legs dangling over the edge as Neytiri and Jake spoke about their flying. She smiled and chuckled at their enthusiasm. She looked back at them with fond eyes and then everything clicked.

Nìnrra ran behind Kinä while making angry palulukan noises. She laughed at the girl's giggles. Jake and Neytiri were hunting and the girl had enough flying for a bit. Plus she missed her favorite sibling. She grabbed the young girl and swung her body around. Kinä giggled loudly and yelled for reinforcement. At her call, Ní'awve jumped down from the trees and tackled Nìnrra. They rolled around before Nìnrra jumped up with a playful gasp.

"You dare betray me, brother?" Nìnrra held a hand to her chest in faux betrayal and leaped at the laughing siblings. She tickled them until they cried and begged for mercy. They layed on the ground to catch their breath before Ní'awve threw Kinä up in the air and catching her. Nìnrra laughed harder at Kinä's screams.


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