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Au where Octavian survives or smthn 

"OCTAVIAN NO-" you shout as he walks toward the onagers. 

"I have to do this Y/n...I have to save Rome, I was promised." He responds, tears in his eyes and voice cracking. Just as it was about to shoot, You grab his fiercely by the shoulder and hold him to your chest, the blast deafening both of your ears. There was a faint ringing in your brain as you slowly opened your eyes to see Octavian shaking in front of you. 

"W-what?" He squeaks out while still gripping onto your sleeves. HE quickly realizes what he's doing and pushes you back with a tint of red on his face. It was all quiet on the battle field. There were hundreds of injured people, some from Camp Jupiter and others from Camp Half blood. Then faint groans and grumbles arose from rocks trees and grass. Everyone took a moment to scan their surroundings and process what was going on.  Octavian watches in horror at the dead bodies littering the once fresh grass. 

He drops to his knees.

"What, What did I do wrong...?" He questions softly. looking at the Horizon.

" couldn't have stopped it even if you tried. These people...they were born heroes and died heroes. I'm sure they were happy to die fighting for a good cause." You assure him.

Octavian broke down into a quiet sob, his expression full of hatred, but in his eyes there was that melancholy sadness. You reached out to his shoulder and rubbed his back as you let him cry into you, whispering sweet nothings into his ears as you run your hands through his hair.


It had been a month since the great giant war happened. People were still recovering, healing, and processing. There was a great funeral held for all the heroes who died honorably. Tears were shed and prayers were made. Though, Octavian didn't come to any, you knew he was hurting and it was best to leave him alone, but you decided to pay him a visit and check up on him to see how he was handling the aftermath. After knocking on his door a few times he lets you in, you see that he has bags under his eyes and messy hair with papers, documents and clothes all over the floor. His unhealthy condition makes your heart break and yearn for him to be happy or at least smile. 

"Can I come in?" You ask in a polite manner. 

Octavian grumbles and opens the door wider, giving you a whole view of his apt in New Rome. 

"Why are you even here?" He questions, not looking at you. 

"Well why not? I don't want you to be disconnected with the rest of the world." You say gently. Octavian doesn't buy it but his expression softens. You both tidy up the place and ask each other about what's going on in your lives. You find yourself staring into Octavian's eyes while he talks and opens up about his life. It was nice to see him like this, relaxed and calm. As you turn to leave, Octavian grabs you by the wrist. His grip was firm but weak at the same time. You give him a  questionable look but once you see the look on his face your heart melts as your gaze softens. 

"Please, stay?" He asks, tears threatening to fall from his face. 

"I haven't spoken to anyone like this in years and I-" He starts to ramble but you stop him and press a kiss on his lips. It wasn't lustful or passionate, it was just a simple heartfelt kiss. You earn a shocked expression out of him and you smile. On cue his whole face lights up and he slumps as he rests his head on your arm as if trying to savor every last bit your touch.

"Okay, c'mon let's get you to bed Tavy " He smiles, a genuine smile as you scoop him up and carry him bridal style to his bedroom. You both lay down on the mattress of fluff, you bury your face into Octavian's stomach, and Octavian buries his head into your hair . As you pull the covers and dim the lights, you plant a kiss on his jawline. 

Smooth Y/n, real smooth

Octavian x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now