Sibling! Collector x Big Sister! Reader 🍭🌼

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You were just walking with your lil bro the collector, when some random chick started to put dirt on him to his face. He started to tear up, until you stood protectively in front of him.

"Excuse me, don't act like you're perfect. I'm sure you've done at least a few things you're not proud of, and I'm just saying a few to be nice, because there's probably many,many more."

"How about you get off the high horse your riding, and check your dirty yard before you judge somebody else's, yes?"

The girl didn't say anything to you, she simply walked away because no one messes with a GODDESS.

the collector looked down shyly. "Thanks Y/n" you smiled kindly at your little brother. "of course love". After that you guys played games and then went to sleep in your own respective beds.

Had no ideas for this,so I just winged it. Hope you guys like it!!!

(The Owl House)The Collector x  Reader Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz