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Lakeyn was worn out. Her eyes were droopy and she could not think of a single reason to smile. She wouldn't let anything ruin her days, but this was off the charts.
She had spent the last twenty-one hours in emotional agony. She was surprised she hadn't yet been pronounced dead because of a broken heart.
Her body was at Henry Ford Hospital surrounded by flowers and 'Get well soon' cards. Ellie had brought balloons by and even did Lakeyn's makeup.

Lakeyn had to stand by and watch as her dad held her sobbing mom over the hospital bed for three hours. The doctor told them, with a heavy heart, that their daughter was in a deep coma and would be unresponsive until further notice.
Jonah had a breakdown for the first time since his 'furious fours' when he saw his sister's body on the hospital bed. He held her hand while he played some of her favourite songs and expressed how much he missed her. "I don't want to grow up without my sister, please come back to us." He bawled his eyes out until there was no energy left in his small body, and fell asleep on the chair next to the bed, eyes red and nose stuffy from crying.

Ellie sat on the edge of the bed, staring at her best friend with glassy eyes and a lump in her throat. Seeing her body in that way was a very tough sight, and what was worse was that Ellie couldn't do anything to change it. She had to powerlessly beg for Lakeyn's mercy while hoping a greater force was listening. Lakeyn didn't know if the greater force she knew of listened, but she knew it definitely liked to take action.

"Lakeyn. I'm so, so sorry." She shed so many tears and mourned as if Lakeyn was already dead.
Lakeyn tried to connect with her, tried to grab her hand. She shouted for her until her voice began cracking, to no avail. All she was now was a ghost. Well, she preferred not to use that word. She was a spirit, a 5D form trying to find her way.
Which way was her way, though? There was no instruction manual for what you do in situations like these and if there was, Lakeyn wished she had read it.
Ellie blamed herself for the accident. Maybe if she had just said yes and gone with Lakeyn this never would have happened! If she had stopped lazing around maybe her best friend wouldn't be in a coma right now.
Ellie could not think straight and her sadness was eating her up from the inside. In turn, this hurt Lakeyn more than anything. She saw the pain and the fear in Ellie's eyes. She noticed the same look in Lydia's eyes too.

Nobody knew what was going to happen. Lakeyn could flatline at any second and that would be it, they would have lost her forever. There was only one person who could fix this, and it was Lakeyn. This was her  body, her  life. Could she really find the strength and answers to do this alone? Her communication with the real world was cut. She knew it wasn't coming back until she did something to shift the slow movement.

She needed help and was convinced only one person would be able to give it to her. There was no way her body would be a vegetable for the next sixty years.
She had to get back to Adonis. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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